Your Kaw History

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. What is your story?

    The best aspect of this game is the social one. The friends we made and the enemies we farm. I know a lot of people who play this game has retired, all with amazing stories. And many more are still playing with tales they like to tell.

    Some of the old days of OSW, some with the modern ways of OSW. Some about talking to community members that stood out to them and The entire game. Much like that of Swabia, AshesOfEden, Moose, or -WillyTheDeuce-. Some even polarizing players like Bellemorte, Alison, and Balto. And some that stood out and meant a lot to you as an individual. For me it was Cherry, Twicc, and joe_

    Friendship with players you end up enjoying talking to more than some of your in person friends. People from across the world. I like telling my stories now and then. I have plenty from my time growing in Foxes, to being a Zaft farm, to joining and finding a home in New Age Legends.

    I’ve got to help the infamous Bellemorte run a farming game here on Forums. Post a few guides, anger a ton of people, and get a player named Chubby_Chaser to No Support every post I ever made. 😂

    But I was only a blimp in the game. An annoying rash that complained a bit to much; instead of living and enjoying the moment like I should have.

    But now I am interested in your story. What is the real history of KaW, as in, what is your history and experience with this game? The good and the bad. I hope at least a few of you jump in and tell us about your time here.
    BEAST, Snoopy and Lord2Gunz like this.
  2. excellent post but unfortunately forums are entirely dead :(
  3. havent heard the name chubby chaser in sooooo long man oh man
  4. Ahhh yes.

    How did I end up here? Well, youngins, gather ‘round the table and let tell you the Tale of Snoopy.

    It all began in 2010, when I was playing games on my grandmas home computer, and got an ad for KaW. 10 year old me was THRILLED with the idea of becoming my own ruler! I promptly downloaded the game, naming myself Alexander136 (account lost to time aka mochi games). My mission? To conquer all of the world!

    I was pretty confused about what was going on, but I was having fun hitting other players and doing stuff along those lines, as one does.

    Sadly after about 9 months, or sometime in mid 2011 I moved from my grandma’s house and my parents did not have a home computer at the time, so I was unable to play again until 2012. This is where the story gets fun! So initially I was actually in a… and don’t judge me here… a.. a warrior cats rp clan.

    NOW I know what you’re thinking, “oh god you’re a freak!” but keep in mind i was like 11 and this girl, username was HMiku1010 or something along those lines, gave me her number. The first female to ever give me her number, we were ofc both like 11 or 12, but hey.. young me went where the woman was. And that’s where she was.

    Shortly after, I was approached by someone named Brood_Warrior to join him and he’d teach me how to play KaW the right way. I, recently being heartbroken (poor 11 year old me) decided to follow him into the abyss.

    I was then taught the ways of war by him and others in the iG family (Ꮿཇ Ꮨཞཇ 💀 རེG 💀).

    I was there for it all. I got my first phone around this time and that’s where this account came into play, i was not very good at keeping my passwords and emails together at that age. I was in and out of iG for awhile, usually going between iG and Monster Garage, but obviously I ended up sticking it with iG. Mostly boring forum stuff that kept me around, I am sure most don’t even really remember much of me.

    By this point I was really more into other ATA games like FC and GaW, but I hopped on from time to time.

    I came back hardcore around 2015, where I was eventually placed on iG council with Leo, Chopper, Assiss, SpyRod, and a couple of others.

    From here it’s basically what everyone knows, someone sold the clan to the highest bidder, we fell apart, we came back, i retired.

    That is all.

    <3 much love to everyone who impacted me here, you all really did help me grow up. for better or worse anyway
  5. They may be dead but that won’t stop me, for now, in trying something to reviving them. Even if it is too little too late, I can try. Just got to try to get more players to make more post and to comment more often. Bring back a hint of quality to each post. I hope it is worth a try. Who knows. New players may stumble their way on and start posting. And if not.. oh well. Going to have fun trying.
    BEAST likes this.
  6. Very admirable man. Id love to see a revival

  7. [​IMG]

    This is what I am looking for! Absolutely fantastic story! Glad to read it! I remember you well from back when I first played. You were always on forums. lol Good to see you still here.
    Snoopy likes this.