You want fair EE matchups? Here's how!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by zzarky, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. I know I have seen it mentioned in the forums before, so this may not be a
    Completely original post, but it is truly the only way to fix EE once and for all.

    Here it is plain and simple: during EE wars, nullify BFA. That's right, I said it. Take it completely out of the equation. This sets everyone equal. It would be like no one had any allies. The matches would be based purely on true stats and BFE. Doing this would allow for so much more versatility and open the matching options significantly.

    I know I know, but I spent all this time building up my BFA, I am ranked (insert stupid worthless number here) on the leader board. WHO CARES! No one builds leader board BFA for EE wars. You do it for OSW strength or because you like seeing your pretty little rank rise.

    EE wars were intended to promote clan unity and coordination. They are not about your BFA. They are not about the strongest clan. They are about the best functioning clan, the clan that works together as a cohesive unit.

    BFA has no place in EE wars and matches would be better off if you simply nullify BFA during EE wars.

    Make it pure, builds Vs. Builds, clan vs. Clan. That's how it needs to be done.

    *******************ADDED FOR CLARIFICATION********************

    I just want to clarify a few things based on some of the comments, maybe I was not clear enough. Additionally I will list the reasoning behind my proposal.

    What I am proposing is that BFA be excluded as active stats during EE wars. NOT excluded from match making. Simply put, during EE wars the only stats that would be used would be RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. So if a leaderboard player attacks me (during EE wars), the only stats applied to their attack are RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. Likewise, if I attack a leaderboard player (during EE wars), the only stats applied to their attack are RAW CS & BFE + Mith/pots. It puts everyone on an equal playing field. Thereby allowing significantly ore matching options. Allowing for more matching options means that there is a much better chance that your clan will be match based on equal size and strength.

    BFA is a wildcard. It is a stat that you really can't glance at a players profile and see or quickly estimate. More importantly, the disparity between a LB player and a non-LB player is astronomical. Moreover, it is impossible to catch or even yourself with the LB players. I could spend a year devoting all gold only to allies and I wouldn't come close to touching the top LB players. Why? Because that whole time guess who is still growing their ally base? Yup, those same LB players. They are impossible to catch short of stripping them.

    Now do I agree they they work hard for and deserve those stats? ABSOLUTELY! I am just saying they have no place in EE wars, not that they should be removed from the game. Let's be honest, none of those LB players are growing their ally base for EE wars. They are doing it for OSW and their LB rank.

    BFE is not only a stat that is easy to quickly assess just by looking at a players profile, it is relatively easily attainable. Here's what I mean. Depending on your build size, you can spend a few days/weeks equipment hunting and build yourself a respectful and formidable BFE. Heck, you can do this during the season too with the mith you win. You won't be dead even, but you can at least bring yourself within range relatively quickly. The same is not even close to true for BFA. That is why BFE should be included, the disparity between the top and bottom is far less, and players have the opportunity to quickly close that gap.

    THE GH-
    Lets just agree that this is broken. The GH is still way overpowered. I hope that with the inclusion of the above, this will help this issue. As xXxOUT_Kickenassataur_LAWZxXx said.
  2. Rage much? LB has many purposes. It shows strength in a clan family. It also serves for a good strip target.

    BFA also Isnt a problem. If you can't hit someone, drop your BFA. Not exclude it.
  3. You are missing the point. Excluding BFA allows for significantly more matchups. Simply by allowing more matches it enables more customized matches.
  4. Also can allow easier matches. Without BFA some people would have weak defense and would be open. It also takes Defense-heavy builds attack bonus away.
  5. There is a glitch in the Matrix :ugeek:
  6. I think bfa does belong. So does bfe.

    My idea is to cap bfa. Say 20b/20b/17b/17b.. Something like that. Maybe even set a minimum. It is basically a tournament.

    I think it would allow more people to war and it would tighten up matches but base that on pure assumption only.
  7. Million. Lol not billion.
  8. Nah bad idea.

    Example. The top 29 people on the lb could be one team, against a team of 29 people with the EXACT same builds, but mp in allies.

    Massacre, or a war full of dts/dtw

    Likely to happen? Possibly.
  9. BFE is more of an issue than BFA. There, I said it. 
  10. I actually Support this idea, devs would find matching much simpler and effective.
    But could you imagine the uproar from the players stacked with bfa, they are after all the ones that pay the devs bills.
  11. [​IMG]

    Thats against warlor, as you know one of the best ee clans out there who also have large average bfa.

    Imagine if such a lineup was matched up against a clan with substantially smaller bfa.
  12. Nulify BFA and BFE. Fight with raw stats.
  13. it would seriously nerf ee gh who have huge bfa…
  14. There's an easier way. King of the hill!

    Clan tries to climb to the top. You only war person above and below you.

    No more of these stupid forum post crying about devs system bring unfair.
  15. Your all experts in game gaming I see.
  16. TNT- you're not getting it. I am not saying exclude BFA from matchmaking criteria, I am saying nullify BFA stats during EE wars. This would make LB players equal in strength to an MP player. Therefore allowing more matchup flexibility.
  17. I made this post ages ago. Just as a option, the naked league. No bfa, two equip slots only. Just for some wars like advantage. No response, devs aren't gonna offend lb players, they pay most of their salary.
  18. I think its a pretty decent idea but it may give an unfair advantage to those who can afford all the new hf upgrades. Id be more in favour of a bfa cap - would be complicated to implement though