This thread will probably get locked but What is the point of kaw? Nothing Hit ebs mindlessly all day, upgrade Repeat for 4 years New buildings released Hit ebs for 2 more years Finally huge and can bully others in osw/pvp Nvm they all have huge bfa and u don't Spend 1000s of real money to get bfa Congrats now you can hit anyone. But the osw is done and it's time to hit more ebs. 1 year later, now you're lb. Congrats. 1 month later the devs shut down kaw. R.I.P.
You don't need to be on LB to have fun, and there are always players to "bully" The point of KaW is to be an entertaining diversion in life. If you are not entertained, then leave. Simple. I don't waste my free time doing things I hate. Why should you?
Then why don't you find another game that is not boring for you? What now if you're bored of kaw you can just search a racing, action, or adventure game and if you are protesting about buying so that you can do more then don't buy at all... As what I've said, Don't waste your time. And besides, it's not the game that makes it fun, it's the other players which we became friends. If you don't have friends then don't protest about the game style it's just you who make the game boring for yourself....
How is that a loop? Too many take this game way to serious The people I've met have been great. Florida. New York. Boston. Texas. Arkansas. England. Scotland. Singapore. Guam. Canada. Australia. Different cultures but similar attitudes. And it's very entertaining If you think pushing a button is skillful , go join the guy in California If you think it's important, go to Germany. But if you have problems making friends in real life, it will probably be the same here, cuz there are no "winners" in Kaw. Only players Ranked by the amount of real time the decide they put into it. (Btw. I'm sure I missed some cities above, but I gotta draw the line somewhere, and by NY I meant V not S ;-P )
This person needs to be taken out back and be beaten. Always quotes the whole damn op for some idiotic reason, thinking we don't know they are replying to it. Quit it. You are annoying!!