
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ScoutPots (01), Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Who's ap yi's counter?
  2. No. Get out. Come back when you can communicate properly
  3. What?!?
  4. Wit. Lol you guys are nothing. Come osw me whole clan vs me.
  5. Learn how to spell words, then I might answer your questions.
  6. HAHA says that statless alt/noob.
  7. Post with your main
  8. Anyone with a stun or knock up really.
  9. ******* cowards. Easy to insult a clan behind an alt huh?
  10. Ya but the pokes mid
  11. You are clearly a troll and there is no need to post such inrelavent threads in Kaw.
  12. I had 200 cs in 20 mins. Completly denying enemy farm. I was facing a karthus mid and one of my pokes killed him lol.
  13. 200cs? That's not even possible. 200k cs, you mean?
  14. What's a poke? o.e
  15. Late game pokes do 1k damage and spamming skills with lich bane gives even more damage output.
  16. Laning phase pokes are the op ones to deny mid farm and secure kills. Or ks as some call it. Makes for nice late game with your enemies having no farm.
  17. I don't... I mean... Turquoise defense mechanism, activate.
  18. Yeah I use ap yi a lot. Love the poke lol
  19. Miku, I think you mean teal*. Lol