Y WAS I SILENCED, I was adv. for my clan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by U_C_TYleR_U_C, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. I had only posted for ppl to join my clan!
  2. What's a ppl?
  3. I'm going to guess 3 or more posts
  4. 3 or more times in 5 minutes aka SPAMMING. That's why.
  5. You probably spammed or bypassed.
  6. Re: Y WAS I SILENCED, I was adv. for my clan reply

  7. Spam less, shut up. Move on.

    See I can help people guys! I'm a nice CareBear!
  8. Tyler I saw you post three times, you have no case against your silence.
    Now get stuffed.
  9. Re: Y WAS I SILENCED, I was adv. for my clanrply

    Oh, **** that might've been my 3rd offense!
  10. XD

    This is why you follow rules.
  11. Ahahaha shoulda learned
  12. Re: Y WAS I SILENCED, I was adv. for my clanging

    I hav been playing this game for 2 years and haven't known wat spamming was. WOW!
  13. In before the lock.
    You either:
    Spammed or had a rude ad
  14. In before da lock
  15. This game hasn't been around for 2 years. Lie Count: 2
  16. I wish mods can wall u or something as a warning
  17. @captain this app has been around for 2 years
  18. The first two silences ARE warnings.
  19. The silence IS the warning

    Stupid Comment Count: 4