xXPsYcH0S1S_AnAlYS1SXx for recurts

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ElderDragon, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. We are an ative clan and fun living one looking for recurts.And would luv tobhave new ppl join.
    50k stats
    good Maner
    Talks in clan chate at lest onec an week
    and likes haveing fun time

    if you are interasted give use an look,and read are bored.

    clan name:xXPsYcH0S1S_AnAlYS1SXx
  2. Hi Kitty!

    (Grammar is funny)

    yeah, join sub clan! (I mean it, no sarcasm)

    It's a fun clan to be, 30 active members EVERYDAY.
  3. Hey u work with an iPod key bored,and an lil more then 30 tho I say 30-38 or round their...