xtal error in War 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Freeflyjunki, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Did anyone get the xtal error in war 1 that prevented xtaling. This is the message that came up,
    Unable to Activate Crystal
    Parameter True exists in the request but is not specified in the views.
  2. Yes happened to members here..
  3. Happened to some of our guys as well. im sure devs will be looking into it. be patient
  4. Happened to me too
  5. We lost a whole xtal wave. Really messed up our timing.
  6. Would like Devs to look into and compensate our Mith, xtals and Rancor please
  7. Deffo sucked but could have cost us war an I'm sure it did cost one or two others ......not that it will happen but we spend the money that keeps the game alive therefore should be compensated when something like this happens.....regardless of it being a couple of xstals or some mith something should be given just saying -locker
  8. Lots of really whacky errors this war.
  9. Please check the official war thread.