Xstals into Nobs Transfer

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Sa_lIPuRE-StoRMIl_aW, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. Let's skip all the intro and cut to the chase. And sorry if BB codes dont work

    My idea is to have a feature which allows the KaW population to trade xstals for nobs.
    (For the noobs who don't know terminology (stay off the thread)
    ----Nobs: nobility points
    ----Xstals: health crystals

    How it works:

    The player would turn in 1 Xstal for 1/2 of a nobility point. There would be a min of 2 xstals transferred during each transferrence.


    Some players don't wish to spend money on the game but still want nobs (Ex, myself). This helps us by getting us nobs I'm exchange of xstals.

    This also helps devs. 10 nobs cost $1, while 10 xstals cost $9. The player/buyer wouldn't have any initiative to buy xstals for the transfer, as the nobs themselves cost less. Thus the devs wouldn't lose any money on this feature.

    Leave any comments below (if they're good ;) )
  2. Re: Xstals and Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    IK BB codes dont work, will fix -- now work
  3. Re: Xstals and Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    1 XTAL = 1 regen.

    10 nobs = 1 regen.

    1 XTAL therefor = 10 nobs.

    You want to devalue xtals down by 95%?

    Do you work for the British government perchance?
  4. Re: Xstals and Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Let's say, for the sake of it, we need 10 xstals to make 1 nob. That way we don't "devalue" the xstal.

    How would it be any different to whether we need 2 or 4 or even 100 to make ONE nobility point? No $ prices are being changed, neither are you allowed to change nobility points into xstals.

    Thus from my point of view, it doesn't matter if the xstal is technically "devalued". There are no consequences.

    (And BTW, I actually laughed at the British government joke. It's hilarious lmao)
  5. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    That devalued them even further.
    Really what would you want nobs for? Any way I think about it you're better off using the xtals for growth.
    Name change? Lol
  6. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Its pointless to devalue the xtal that much i think itd be fair 1 xtal into maybe 8 nobs, what you propose is utterly useless..
  7. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    No. if you want nobility and you refuse to pay for it then you can quest farm. And if your gonna complain the drop rate is insanely low, how are you getting xtals your not paying for and what are you even going to do with 1 nobility? Free xtals are given less often than you will make nobility quest Farming. Boom I just fixed your problem. Your welcome.
  8. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Events give xtals though...
  9. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    4 nobs = 1 zta. That's a lot.
  10. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    It would be cool if we could retrade our seals for nobs. Made give a 5 nob penalty. Sometimes we want to do zta but only have 5 seals. Would be cool to be able to exchange the seal for its nob price -5.
  11. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

  12. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

  13. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Name one detriment to devaluing xstals.
  14. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Thanks m8
  15. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)


    1 zta = 100 pieces
    1 piece = 1 nob * 100 pieces = 100 nobs/100 pieces/zta

    One zta doesn't take 4 nobs, it takes 100 nobs, given you buy all the pieces.
  16. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    I really dont understand the point, you're willing to giveup 8 xtals for 4 nobs? That doesnt make any sense, i can make over a trillion with 8 xtals but i can only get 4 speakers or one zta buy in with 4 nobs, i feel like if you think this is beneficial and worth implementing you have to have brain damage.
  17. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    It takes 4 nobs to get in a zta. You can do all the items if you want, just not very cost efficient
  18. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    In the oracle the following sales are possible:-

    100 xtals + 68 free for $99.99
    1000 nobility for $99.99

    This means 168 xtals is worth the same as 1000 nobility in value.

    1000/168 = 5.95 (2dp)

    If you made 1 xtal worth 5 nobility then it would be pretty fair.

    The only issue I see with this is that you could use alts to gain xtals from quests/event rewards/free xtals and then convert them to nobility. This nobility could then be used to buy seals, horns, aevum circles, etc for their main account. This would be a way of cheating the system and I feel it would be abused quite heavily.
  19. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    One ZTA buy in you could still make 1T :lol: I've made 500b off one and I'm 23mcs and you're like 200m
  20. Re: Xstals into Nobs (Devs this helps you too)

    Thanks for the calculations, the 5 makes more sense, the 2 was simply a placeholder. I also see the point of the abuse, yet I still think it would help many more players fairly than otherwise.