Xstal Count

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III-GotFace-III, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. This might be really dumb to post here so sorry in advance if its stupid

    I would LOVE if the game told me how many crystals ive used in the current EB. War. Etc.

    Do you not hate when u forget how many youve gone through and then your scared to unload because you might have already used 6 but your not sure...

    Is there a way to put that in the game and would EVERYONE like it not just me?

    Thats all i think. 
  2. Meh not really needed
  3. A pop up comes up saying you have used maximum amount of xtals
  4. I keep track (AKA know how many you had before you first xstal)
  5. It's called a paper and pencil
  6. Not Needed, but if easy to add why not? Everyones got their brain farts and forgets sometimes.
  7. Lol paper and pencil for KaWing , u just made my day
  8. I don't xstal on EBs regularly ;)