XBOX360 Vs PS3

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TT_Megatron, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Which one is better and y
  2. I say PS3 is better for graphics but xbox dominates over LIVE
  3. Ssssttttrrriikkkkeeee 1!
  5. Dead thread
  6. Get the he'll out of FanFic before I feed you to IRONhulk
  7. WTF why is this in fanfic
  8. Ooh feed me cheese I've been starved of a good spamming
  9. Bless this thread
  10. Wrong section
  11. Ps3 becuz it has better graphics and XBOX has glitches
  12. Dead bloomin' thread!
    That means no posting!
  13. Ironhulk
    Get your stuborn, ignorant arse out of Fan Fiction
  14. Never I'm not goin down yet