Hello Forums! Jakob again, I’ve got a question for you guys to discuss today. Anyway, I’m from Austria and believe it or not, GMO’s are banned in Austria! In all of the nine regions, they’ve declared their intentions to be GMO free. So as you can imagine, when I moved to America the thought of GMO’s was pretty concerning to me. Before I go on further, I’ll explain a GMO GMO -The abbreviation for genetically modified organism. A GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there. Definition from: (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/gmo) So before we go arguing, I’ve done a bit of research. Benefits According to my first source, GMO's Create plants that are better resistant to -Pests -Diseases -Weeds Bring bigger yields to create more efficient use of land, which in turn uses less herbicides and other pesticides Can create food with better texture, flavor and nutritional value. Can be engineered to grow in infertile places An example of this that my first source stated was: My first source also said this: My first source also gave this example of this in action It can be used to create more productive farm animals Identification of allergenic genes Add longer shelf lives So! Is all of this safe? According to my third source it is. So….why are so many people against this Negatives GMO’s are unhealthy According to my fourth source it says this It also says this: GMOs Increase the use of Herbicides Once again, my fourth source says this and this The biotech industry uses “tobacco science” to claim product safety It says this… So, companies are rigging their research apparently? :? Also, independent Researchers are being attacked?! According to my fourth source So I looked into this and this news report came up... :? So this bears the question are GMO’s truly safe? Should we allow them to put these unknown substances in our food? What do companies have to hide that are producing supposedly safe improvements to our food? Discuss, I’m egar to hear your opinons before I express mine Side Note: Back home, we've got some heavy anti GMO protesters Sources: - Source One: (https://classes.soe.ucsc.edu/cmpe080e/S ... nefits.htm) - Source Two: http://www.fao.org/english/newsroom/focus/2003/gmo7.htm - Source Three: (http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/pages ... tages.aspx - Source Four: (http://responsibletechnology.org/10-rea ... void-gmos/) - Source Five: (http://www.globalresearch.ca/gmo-resear ... sk/5305324)
I've got the same opinion! Side Note: Apolgies for the wall of text, figured I should add some research to this before we got to expressing our opinions.
interesting read. As the first poster said, it's not really worth it in the long run. but organic foods can cost more. hmm
GMO's from a Scientific viewpoint (in regard to crops) are 'good'. They increase yield as you say, become larger, stronger, more suited to different environments and resistant to disease. There are no obvious negatives. Until you look at GMO's in regard to animals. There are major social implications, many people would call it, "Playing God." To an extent I am against the intentional genetic altering of a humans or another less intelligent animals DNA. There would be advantages of course, however once again the Social Implications would be huge.
As with the cancer (or other disease) causing elements; GMO's will only continue to improve as the need increases. Hopefully they will put enough research into finding a solution for it, but that's all one can do; hope.
This used to be called selective breeding, until it began on a genetic level. Obviously we have been given the knowledge to grow more food for an increasing population. This is good. However, we must be careful of we take GMOs and begin cloning or modifying growth to unnatural levels for meat production. The problem with tampering with living food sources is that we don't know what long term problems will arise from consuming unnaturally grown/raised super animals.
There have been about 2,000 studies on GMOs and there is no evidence of human harm in any major peer-reviewed journal. Some examples of GMOs that virtual all KAW players have consumed: Ruby Red grapefruits were created by injecting radiation into grapefruits. 90% of corn grown in the USA is genetically modifies.
Could all of the GMO's and growth hormones in the USA's food contribute to the USA's obesity problem?
Assuming you're American... Your government tried passing a law that made companies label if their products had GMO's in them and it was rejected oddly. (I'll post the new article when I have time.) So if everyone thinks GMO's aren't good or worth it in the long run, why is everyone allowing their foods and plants to be modified?
We've been meddling with nature for all of human history. How come it's ok to mess with genetics in the old way and not the new way. Cross breading livestock to get a better cut of meat or to force feed it to get bigger faster that's OK mention science and everyone gets scared. Seedless grapes aren't natural but we've made them without gmo. But everything you eat has been genetically change to suite our needs there is little difference between the old and new style just media makes people scared of new things.
But what's with big companies attacking independent scientist? Do they have something to hide? :shock:
Protecting their profits is what big companies are all about. So yes they will find or twisted evidence to make themselves richer. Nothing more than that.
So, is this a common view in America that big companies are changing the science and basically lying to the public to make more money? If so, why hasn't the public done anything :? I remember learning about how if big business runs to much it can be disasterous.... (I'm talking about the Guilded Age ) :?
The great thing about a free economy is you have the choice. If you shop at Whole Foods they guarantee their "organic" foods are GMO free. What is organic food? The only scientific definition of organic is "partly composed of carbon" If GMOs are so bad, why are we eating more and living longer?
Then why is everyone growing fatter?! Just weird how much more expensive organic can be than non GMO products.