Wulf is back?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by MischievousMonday, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. Is Wulf back people? If you look at his be guide one the pictures are back.  WB Wulf if you are back!
  2. He updated the pics. I dont think he ever quit?
  3. Yeah didn't you know.. No one ever really leaves... Mods can even reset and they don't lose their account, true story
  4. So what if Wulf is black. African Americans have just as much a right to play this game as whites do.
  5. Irrelevant. Just because they have the right doesn't mean they're allowed to exercise that right. Silly frog.
  6. Oh. It says "Wulf is back". I read "Wulf is black" lol
  7. Wulf has always been around. Just staying quiet and irrelevant only.
  8. I did that too.. 
  10. @frog

    Just spat my coffee out!
  11. Chocolate was the one who updated the EB post not Wulf.

    Wulf never left, he is just not that active.
  12. Damn :lol:
  13. Dont feel bad. I read the same thought was troll thread lol
  14. How do you even know Wulf is American? Not all blacks are African American.

    That aside, it was a bit of amusement. Back in black!
  15. I thought he was Spanish?
  16. Wulf is actually a fox