-WTF- Recruitment (EE wars)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Jax-of-WTF-, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. -WTF- Is a new clan and we are recruiting for S3, We are currently running chaos wars and are currently 11 wins 7 losses.

    We are tweaking builds and testing so we run x3 pretty much b2b to build.

    Current builds requirements are on the clan page.

    We have 4 trackers and 5 WC's. We do need more though to run the later Wars, Most of our clan is Uk or Europe timezone with a couple USA members eager to war.

    We are open to no experience but it is preferred.

    Please contact a council member or myself for further details.

    Thank you for reading.

  2. Goodluck.
  3. Interested. Will you accept me?
  4. no one cares.
  5. U had 3 inactives last war and one has ur clan name that tells me enough
  6. Support -WTF-
    I know a few of you from other clans, looks like your off to a good start. I might send my alt over sometime to check it out.
  7. Devs may ban your name tho for being too long. Just a heads up 
  8. The three inacts as you call them were not inactive. They couldn't hit a single match up due to the devs calculation. I know this as two of them were sat next to me.
  9. I couldn't hit anyone on ZAFT Rebels roster, neither could our other 2 gh's. I take offense to you calling me inactive aswell because I have never been inactive in any wars ever. So do not talk crap when you don't know the story.

  10. We've had a couple wars like that too. Inactives are more fun to farm than those who are dtw
    Best wishes, Jax!
  11. You can't have barcodes that go off page like that devs made the rule late s1
  12. Any room for a hansel like me?
  13. I am close to being lowland sos
  14. Bit like -WiT- much?
  15. There are 6 violations in your clan slender.
  16. What violations?
  17. Nevermind
  18. What are they lion?
  19. If you look down your CR, all the names that have '...' at the end are violations because they 'cannot be tracked' in a war. Just some xtal barfing LB clans whining and devs responding to the supply.