Would this be a good plunder idea?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xGuardian, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. So They say titan lairs give best plunder and cursed foundries give best stats, also CoE give 2 extra hits. So i thought of a build that sounded pretty legit, (may have already been said, I don't know, not much of a forumer). anyways does this sound good: 4 SoS's, 1 Castle, 1 CoE, 22 lairs, and 22 CF. Is this a good idea?
  2. Your current build is making me sick.
    Probably why you seek more plunder. Towers give you CRAPALL plunder
  3. Yea cursed gives u most stats nice
  4. cursed bit gives you more attack and the least stats. CoE gives most combined.
    EDIT: as far as your build, that's fine and is fairly standard to some players.
  5. Overall, CoEs give the most stats per building.
  6. Im volley transfering money to that account and thats how it makes money. So i bought defense incase i tried to be farmed while i send money over to that account, its actually very smart