World of kaw

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by --Cre3P_Cre3P--, May 15, 2016.

  1. The World Of KaW

    Doing a little bit of math the world of KaW has to be very very massive, and by that I mean this.

    Using my build, I have around 1.25 million spies, that's a lot of people, but they tend to die in ebs/PvP/war and yet populate back very fast.

    So we have the space for 1.25 million people in my tiny kingdom, but, if I were to unload every single day and hour, the total spies I would use is over 11 billion, meaning that many go through just my kingdom.

    Some people speculate that 30,000-80,000 people play KaW, so I will use 30k for my example.

    Since some builds have more/less troops and spies than other we will use my spies as an example.

    11 billion a year Times 30000 people creates

    330 trillion people living (and dying) in the KaW world each year, this doesn't include eb characters or alts either.

    Edit: Since I posted with the wrong account I would like to clarify the build I was talking about was a ~35mcs hansel

    So KaW, think with me, how big do you think the world of KaW is?
  2. Ah crap I posted with alt
  3. Lmao
  4. So many people for a little storage.
  5. I was thinking the same thing.

    When Kaw only had LL/HL or just LL alone it would kinda make sense, having a kingdom with a few troops and some can be retained in about a hour.

    1 SOS has 14k spies. Which isn't a ton. A sensible amount per say.

    With lots of new lands and new buildings and massive stats, that kinda gets blow out of proportion when you think about it.

    Part of me wish the devs would change it from troop/spy count to troop/spy power. Just to be a little more realistic. I mean, how many spies does a single rai land spy building have now? Kinda mind boggling when you think about it.
  6. are they really people?my buildings are titan s ,Weird fish monsters ,Dragons, Guys flying polar bears, and Evil demon assassins
  7. Majority of LL/HL seem to be humans.

    HF/Abyss/Rai just seem to be weird humanoid creatures. Maybe different races like some MMORPG?
  8. my highlands are all fish monsters and my lowlands are all demon assassins, my kingdom is just populated by Guys with flying polar bears lol