world chat problem..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dav1l, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Devs pls disable the WC(world chat) nn pls enable the cc only war.. Its so annoying to see ads ppl post in WC when we are doing war -_-.. Becoz of wc sometime ppl miss some words.. So pls disable the wc when war is on..

    If u guys support this pls say yes.. N some comment
  2. Not the first time this has been brought up. Nice English bro.
  3. First buy a dictionary, and an English 123 book. Then complain about a game that you don't need to play and one that the developers thoughtfully made and upkeep.
  4. XD.. 
  5. no support, wont ever happen , not even needed, if your waring why the hell are you reading wc ??? learn to war properly instead of blaming a chat that during war you shouldnt even be using
  6. Who wars with 1 attack defense pot....
  7. Just hit the tab that says CC, tadaaaa fixed
  8. Don't write some words in short form, its ugly. No support.
  9. "Short form" I think you mean abbreviations
  10. Please check you sentences for poor structure or grammatical inconsistencies before commenting on others skill at written English.
  11. Oh grow up, I've warred plenty of times wc has never been a problem. Maybe you should watch your targets then looking at the pretty ads in wc
  12. Gotta work harder this year in school to improve your writing skills
  13. no support and get a dictionary
  14. Firstly its amazing how quickly people rip on ppl that dont speak English as a primary language.
    Secondly the idea of cutting WC out of the two lines of chat u can see while spamming, is a good one. Was suggested in better detail during s3 and I have never seen so many people support one idea. Still surprised devs never addressed and this issue.
  15. Usually when others have no original thoughts of their own to contribute they resort to grammar…anybody who speaks or can communicate in more than one language is good in my book
  16. Indeed. Does it matter how the written structure is if you know damn well you understand and concept what they are conveying? The point is the point!
  17. The problem with wc is that I'm perm silenced
  18. I think this is a good idea
    Could we also mute the jerks and douche bags that rip into people for not having perfect English?