Hi, I'm nineteen and I attend college at the moment. I got a job this whole winter brake. My work starts at 3:00pm and end 7:00Am. I do this 5 days a week. How do people survive this?
I just did my first day and my sleep schedule is off :/ got a big headache. I also don't drink coffee.
Nobody likes a whiner. There are people close to me doing manual Labor alongside a road. They get Christmas Eve, Christmas, and a Day after it off. That is work life.
Stay in school and change it so you don't have to work like that. Work smarter not harder. "I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me." Learn about your money. Make it work for you not work for it.
^Sasuke, could you not tell No_0b used Brake because OP used 'brake' instead of 'break' obviously a joke.