Words by --Sparta--Elite.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *SE_SPARTA-WAR_SE (01), Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Dear all ZAFT members,

    An official statement by the whole SE alliance and family.

    The main point: **** you all.

    We had an intent that had no affect on you. You could have left it as it was but you idiots screwed up. Again. You need to learn kaw you fools. And think about who your bosses are.
    You will all be stripped and farmed. Some of you will reset, some will become perm farms. But one thing is certain - we will become the first to defeat the "almighty" ZAFT fuckers. You stand no chance.

    We dare you to a retaliation. And once we have you begging for a cf, we will simply say this, "We told you so."

    Know your place.

    No, it's not "sad and pathetic" that I post with an alt. It's strategic, why should I give my mains identity out? I'm not a fool. So save your bs for the dance floor.

  2. Them be fightin words... Nice alt btw, i trash talk with my main.. Dont hide, voice your opinion and you get respect points
  3. This account isn't even in a subclan of SE.

    Too many grammar errors to take seriously.

    Doesn't ring true as a real message from SE?
  4. Actually burn, I am. For now. And as I said before White, posting with your main doesn't show balls. It's shows idiocy. I would not endanger my main further by posting this with it. It's pure strategy.
  5. Woah. Things be getting juicy...
  6. Endanger?
  7. **** up Shadow. Put intelligent posts on my thread or put nothing on at all you stupid fool.
  8. Endanger your main? I'm betting they must have done made you reset. So that's why you post with this account.
  9. This is NOT a post by anyone in Apoc. Or infact me that this retard is trying to set up. Please ignore and dont be fooled.


    ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟--ػཥཐའϯཐ--ཛ།༏ϯཇ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
  10. Watch it op buddy that's a little bit over the top eh? And lol he's a troll much..?! Haha fail. So not worth farming with alt?
  11. Have fun war machine, those who know you, know you well enough to call out this OP.

    Respect to the fighters, confusion to the politicians.
  12. Tool y'all long enough!! Fuckers get trolled... Mehehe
  13. You can borrow any movie from my collection kid, except my Pixar flicks

    I will never give you up.
  14. Give me up to what????
  15. He means Up the film, seen that joke on sickipedia.
  16. If your at war chances are they already know who you are your not protecting anyone but yourself by using an alt your excuses are as invalid as your thought processes seriously Sparta elite is a terrorist organization with an agenda to meet and will try to meet it and hang the consequences. So no y would u even bother to hide have the cahones to talk smack with your alt and face your consequences I have alts sure but this is my main right now as its on the only working device I have but u didn't c me hiding behind skirts. Well don on making a pointless thread your simply a caveman with one thought process and that's save ur skin now stop wasting people's time

  17. I really don't care about the repercussions whether this account is legitimate or not so go ahead and take action join the 20 or so people trying to give me grief I will ignore u as well