Wizardry World Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by LEGENDARY_LION, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. Keep in mind it's not finished it's a piece in the making!!!
  2. Dusty I like your story! It just sucks you in! If you can add charachters smoothly, and create interesting dialouge, it will turn out into a great story!
  3. I know I have trouble creating new characters but I'm working on it
  4. Read the story and if u want to be in it just post here!
  5. No need to add me, I'm allready in it! Lol!
  6. Chapter five complete!
  7. It's great! Can't wait for more!
  8. Chapter six complete!!
  9. BUMP
    would bump the story but don't wanna ruin it
  10. I already hav a book called wizard world!!!!! U COPIED!
  11. Thanks Hannah and arimay you do?
  12. Why does it say it was made by The_Lone_One?
  13. I was wondering the same thing... Anyways I like the story so far. A little bit more detail would be nice though but I appreciate how to story goes straight to the action.
  14. I'm not the_Lone_One!!!
  15. Ur name was the lone one? Didnt kno i thought it went from dusty straight to legendary lion