With friend's like GoL / goddess of love , who needs enemies !!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RS-roni-RS, Mar 4, 2025.

  1. Hi everybody 😊. This apparent friendship goes back to the early days of iG 2012 or even before that . Both were original members of iG before gol absconded from there in her history of osw running from iG . But their friendship was forged back then and they rekindled this friendship when assiss remade the iG clan and asked gol to help him run it . She became 2nd in charge war cheif before all the original iG members returned back in there . And the wrecking members joined as well . There had been a osw against a EB clan and the eb clan asked for ceasefire . Gol who has a history of poaching other clans members to join the one she is in. She saw this opportunity to invite them to join iG which they did . But some of the other members of iG weren't happy about this and a internal squabble within iG pursued . So assiss and gol made a sub clan or their own clan and kaw life continued . But then iG main attacked assiss and gol's new clan and its members . Gol and assiss were stripped of allies by iG main. Eventually Gol requested a ceasefire on GrannyBanger wall and assiss joined a different clan . Gol made a remake of evil within clan and then when snowblossom played target practice with her . She joined synergy to hide behind imf and get new bodyguards from snowblossom. Anyway fast forward a few months and I seen on imf wall that as well as other members of kaw being stripped by synergy and their close associate's . That assiss has also been stripped by them . How did this even get to happen ? This is disgraceful and un-acceptable behaviour by gol to turn a blind eye and look the other way to a friend in need . Surely gol knew about this before hand and could have contacted assiss and warned him what was about to happen . So he could prepare and defend himself and save his allies and his gold . That's what a decent friend would do right ? Deffinatly , I know this first hand because when I was in Fury vengeance clan in the osw Zaft versus apoc. My lovely friend who was in kotfe rang me up using a 3rd party app and said Roni get on kaw quickly that they have seen troll saying they are about to strip me . I said I've tried to get on my account but it's just been banned . So it's impossible for me to log into my account and save my Allie's. Literally 15 minites after I was banned , apoc stripped me of my allies knowing I could do nothing to stop it. I have forever more respect for that friend because he put our friendship before his clan and alliance . That's what a quality and decent friend does . But ohh no , not Gol she only cares about herself and saving her own butt . And in order to do that she has to kiss a lot of imf butt . So she can tuck her tail and hide under his wing of protection !!
    #1 RS-roni-RS, Mar 4, 2025
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2025