wishes come true here

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheGameFaceYT, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Say your wish and the next person will say what happens to you and they say there wish
  2. I want to weigh 100000000000kg
  3. U already do.

    JOKE I don't even know you. 
  4. You have a heart attack, I wish for a gaming laptop and tickets to the WCG final in Korea!
  5. U never get them.

    I wish for ehh, a glass of water. How original
  6. Say what happens to me and make a wish
  7. See above 
  8. Ok poker, you get that wish and I wish for food. Happy?
  9. I'm gonna get this deleted...
  10. I get all that food

    I wish that i had people in my clan so i can beat war cathedral
  11. Ehm u give your clan to me.

    I wish for chocolate
  12. U get too much chocolate and have a heart attack and die

    I wish for enternal peace