:shock: SYSTEM WARS ARE RETURNING :shock: Oddly enough - the tournament style system war has sparked interest among the top 200 ranked clans. SUMMER WARS are upon us! Well, upon entering this war, you will learn of the AUTO JOIN scenario. So, in essence, this war turns into trying to find out who the other side is feeding off of. With a locked roster which also makes it impossible to kick anyone for 12 hours, it has added a new twist into who you are warring with and how you war. There is no alert or flag that will tell you your clanmate is being attacked. Having an inactive member in a SW that has AUTO JOIN - will ultimately cost you the war. If your opposition finds a well paying OAF or Hansel - HOW DO YOU FIND THEM? I have a method, that many know, and many do not. I cannot find a thread on this method, so I will share it with you all. *This will not work if your "leak" is being stolen from via steals! STEP ONE: FIND OUT YOUR TOTAL ATTACK LOSS COUNT There are two ways to do this. The easiest way to get your attack loss count - is to ask a friend to look at your profile. I have used the lovely Ms. Ankha as today's model. Look at her wall, where is says "Battles Lost" - this is the current amount of losses from either failed attacks or successful attacks by your opponent. OR You can find your own loss count doing a little math. Look at your profile.... See where it says "Fight Offenses: won / lost and Fight Defenses: won / lost...take the losses and add them together. That is your loss number. NOTE: MATH DISCREPANCIES DUE TO NUMBERS CHANGING WHILE MAKING THIS THREAD. :lol: STEP TWO: POST THIS LOSS COUNT ON YOUR OR YOUR CLANMATES WALL. NOTE: The updated number. It is imperative to constantly update this number during a system war. If someone is inactive, not chatting, not responding, and losses pile up...chances are that person is a leak. STEP 3: KICK THE LEAK This will cause much heartache and pain for all involved. :lol: This method will cost you any plunder that the kicked member gained - so make sure they are not holding a ton of plunder. Kicking a leak will stop the sharks from feeding, but to do this on a clan sized scale is easier if clanmates help. Split the roster up between clanmates. It makes it easier.
I'd also consider using it as part of a clan title, or written down elsewhere...as walls can be spammed to the point of being useless.
@ Sholron Yeah, my bad. Forgot to mention the clan title option. The only issue I ever had with that is the amount of time it takes to do it, and the fact that the owner is the only one who can change the admin's title. Writing it down?? Like, with a pen?? That's so old school!
Strike Force is laying a beatdown on us ATM. Don't sleep bro! I'm watching u.....
And if you're really bored/pinned/pinning people so hard you have no up targets, track their wins/losses too