Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Hi kids! Welcome back to the biggest waste of your next 5 minutes of forum perusal!

    It has been a while since I have interviewed anyone. iProphet was technically the last, but it lasted merely 12 minutes. TimDaFreak, whom interviewed before him, claims his interview was so ******* amazing, it absorbed Proph's thread because it was thirsty for less awesome interviews than his. Who knows? Maybe it was stolen by midgets. We may never know.


    Today, we have a new breed of forumers. Some I have watched. Closely. Like a stalky Ted Bundy type. Looking to see the cream rise to the top.

    Never happened. :lol:

    So, I have dipped down to the bottom and found a personality most responsible for generating the most butthurty effluence in the community.

    And that guy is....


    It is a Friday night, so naturally, I am 6 deep.

    My interviewee was not expecting a visit from Uncle Willy, so, this is a brief interview. Which, I am kind of happy about. Because honestly, Troll is a member of KOTFE. And as KAW historically goes, I ******* HATE KOTFE. Not so much because over the last several years they have bought a few hundred billion of my allies, and then removed that gold to donate it to charity or some ****, but because I love coffee.

    And every morning when I go to order my "coffee" I think of "KOTFE" - they sound exactly the same - and that makes me want to stab babies and punch old people and junk.

    We begin.....

    -WillyTheDeuce- - Hi. This line is being recorded.

    -TROLL_MaCHiNE- - I'm scared. Hi, so what's up?

    -WillyTheDeuce- - My cholesterol. So, how are things?

    -TROLL_MaCHiNE- - Pretty good, not really doing anything at all.

    -WillyTheDeuce- - Well that sucks. Maybe you should? It's Friday. Maybe slip into a robe and bust out some Barry Manilow.

    Any plans for the weekend? You're a machine...maybe an oil bath and some Asian machine massageee?

    -TROLL_MaCHiNE- - My girlfriends actually about to drag me out of the house. Going to have to be social and pretend like I enjoy the outside world. Other that just going to the Kentucky, North Carolina basketball game and got some studying to do.

    -WillyTheDeuce- - Deep down, you know that SkyNet controls you, and John Connor needs to die?


    Basketball eh? You play?

    -TROLL_MaCHiNE- - I wear my tinfoil hat, can't be controlled. Do I play? Hell no I'm an average height white male. Don't stand a chance.

    -WillyTheDeuce- - Me too. I played basketball but back when Larry Bird was in his prime, and short shorts were relevant. I love short shorts. Especially when lounging on a beach or something. Just gotta make sure I cross my legs like a gentleman.

    You a boxer or briefs kinda guy?

    -TROLL_MaCHiNE- - I'm a boxer guy, I apologize but I've gotta run out. I'll give you a holler in a bit. The real world awaits...

    And there you have it folks. The real world once again gets in the way of our KAW way of life. A man, at the forefront of letting you know all of his deepest and darkest secrets....skips off to try to get lucky with a lady friend, educate himself, and watch some college basketball.

    God speed, friend. God speed.
  2. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

    Reserved for the highest bidder
  3. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

  4. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

    Uh oh, another interviewer. There can only be one of around these here parts
  5. Re: Willy's Couch: Interview With -TROLL_MaCHiNE-

    You can do better willy just believe in imagination
  6. Long anticipated Willy's Couch interview
  7. how much for the reserved spot?
  8. So... 2 questions..

    Are Troll's "girlfriends" good looking?..

    ...are they drunk right about now?
  9. 
  10.  6 down under, sounds Like a song from the 80's.... Nice Keep up the Interviews.. "God Speed "
  12. You should interview that Karma Bill Nooblet guy. Ask him about his pantsuit.
  13. Pantsuits are so 1998. Plus, he'd probs only wanna talk about war tactics.

    We are all about underwear and farts here in KAW forums. Totes McGotes.

  14. Pop quiz..

    Is that Larry Bird or Farrah Fawcett?
  15. Willy.. Please stop staring at Larry Bird's ass.. It's embarrassing..
  16. I can't stop watching. Note: Larry kneed that guy in the pills to obtain the room to make that 3-pointer.

    Totally legal, and incredibly sexy.
  17. the last gif so works, lol.

    good quicky, Willy.
  18. 1 dollar.
  19. Pretty sure he can talk farts and underwear too. Maybe even boobies...the bird variety of course.

  20. CanIget$2.50, doIheara$2.50lemmegeta$2.50, anyonegota$2.50?

    Your paper money does no good here...I am looking for SOD's ---- RECOGNIZE!