Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RoK__Constantinum__RoK, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. This thread is basicly directed towards devs about yesterdays matchups in Estoc Trials.

    How enlighted I was to see your news update that showed you really listened to all feedback given by the KaWmunity and chose for a system that enables you to opt in instead of veil out and second that clans that could not be matched up would get a message that " a fair matchup was not possible"

    By resetting their spell timers they have a good reimbursement for not being able to participate, and of course, possible exploits should be monitored and dealt with.

    However, what is the value of these rules if they are not being executed ???

    Last night, the Saturday war 4, according to your algorithm, Chili_Wilders was ranked first and Se7en S1ns was ranked second, both with around 60 peeps on the warroster, at least numbers were about equal.

    But the difference in size did not even come close to a fair matchup.

    First of all CW assembled like everybody on top of the leaderboard currently NOT active in osw, at least it looked that way. Their strenght would have matched Apocalypse or Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty, before their osw broke out.

    I was ranked 20th in the clan rankings of Se7en S1ns and found my equal in stats around 55th !!!!!! spot in the clanrankings of Wilders_Chili, it was a 2 hour annoying punitive expedition and masterclass in self ko.

    Devs, you completely missed out on the golden opportunity to apply your own rules.

    Of course, nobody can prevent or should prevent people to gather up for war, but this is were your rules come into play.

    In this case, Wilders_Chili should have got the message "no fair matchup possible"

    To assemble with all massive accounts to war is a free choice, but by doing so, you (should run) the risk of not being able to get a matchup, it is all a matter of willing to take that risk, or adjust your warroster to improve chances on a fair matchup. That is exactly why this new rule is awesome, provided that it is being executed.

    Devs, how is such a matchup possible, either there is still something very very wrong with your matchup algorithm, or you deliberately closed your eyes because you felt it would be uncomfortable to displease so many leaderboard players.

    I can assure you, after 2 hours of war and an inevitable forfeit, both clans were pretty much not amused by the matchup, it makes no sense at all to let such an unequal war even start. Even the bare eye could have seen the matchup was unfair, you don't need any algorithm for that.

    Scrolling through the list of ongoing wars I noticed we were not the only clans coping with a distinct mismatch, just one other example was the war between Unbeknown and Champions Corp and there were many more this Estoc round.

    I am usually not the type of guy to whine about matchups, and I completely understand there will always be a grey area in which it is hard to decide on letting a war start or not.

    But in these cases where differences in strenght are so enormous, I really think the underlying party should be reimbursed for the poor matchup, at least letting them keep the level of EE they had before the war started. There is no need to cut mith payout or reset the EE level of the winners, cause they simply did their job to win the war.

    Devs, I really hope you will improve your matchups pretty soon regardless of names, strenght and reputation, and will apply your rules as intended.

    Please have a good look again at all matchups of yesterdays wars, I can only hope you will come up with appropriate measures.

    I wish you all the best on that, and really hope the system will be perfected before the next round starts.

    Greetz Constantinum
  2. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Perhaps if devs' varied the war tomes to suit other Time Zones then more people would sign up, leading to more evenly matched wars.
  3. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

  4. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    I swear, if I see one more stupid EE thread.......
  5. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Sorry, you lost me after the 1st paragraph
  6. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics


    I completely agree on the fact that current war schedules do not accomodate all timezones equally. Especially the Asian / Australian timezone has been ignored in appropriate war times from the start till the present day, but that is a different discussion. Given the number of signups, simply rules should be put into practice here.
  7. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    I agree there was a lot of bad matchup in war 4
  8. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    bit of a buthurt thread...
    but i guess thats the bad thing about having an almost max roster :?
  9. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

  10. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Sounds like they calculate clan ranking . . They were 1st and you were second. The matchup goes from there.. on paper 1st v 2nd with simular numbers looks like good matchup. . wouldnt want to be in top 2-5 from now on lol .
  11. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics


    Once difference in strenght is even obvious for a blind man, it's not a story about butthurt, that you only have in a close battle where own mistakes caused you to lose, this was hilarious from the start. within 10 min the entire clan was (s)ko, lol
  12. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Saw that match up, really bad, I agree with you spy.
  13. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    The dev's have not released a thread saying they have implemented the "no fair matchup found" algorithm yet. Their last thread said they would explore the possibilities, not that it was already implemented. It even goes on to say that they are still finalizing the algorithm.
  14. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    Within 8 minutes, our whole clan was sluaghtered really.

    I do agree that devs should keep working on the matching algorithm. Wilders_Chili at the time was ranked #4 on clan lb, and we were rank #55.

    4 of the top ten lb players (silph, hlneo, I-Teja-I, oz-nckz) were there as well as many in top 100, I think we had maybe 3 people in top 100 lol.

    Surely the rank 3 clan in the war was a closer matchup lol.

    Within 40 mins they were ahead 30b, and by an hour, 50b.

    I honestly could care less if we were refunded or not, it was simply a waste of time, mith, and gold. I have been noticing less and less clans are doing ee wars, people are getting frustrated with them and feel its pointless to waste the time and miney into a broken system 

    Work on your system please devs, its getting better, but nowhere near good enough for season 1.
  15. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    You are totally correct, it was not a fair match up and you are not "butt hurt" to say so.
    Just because you were #2 in strength that day didn't mean you were anywhere near the strength to match a lb stacked clan.
    Devs need to take lb strength into consideration on matches.
  16. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    My clan got slaughtered to. D_T_F. There top guy had more plunder then our whole clan.
  17. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    It's jus amusing tat we are all spending time and crystals to help dev figure out a way to do decent matchups lol

    Nothing beats a business model in which u help the company figure out a way to make more money while putting cash in thier pocket at the same time. Jus think ab all those crystals and time spent within these 17weeks of ee wars after the trials 
  18. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    The fact that after this long it's still not right just shows what a Joke ee has always been and will continue to b .. Ee wars are a scam and a joke ... Another dev fail ....
  19. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    You're butthurt. If you were in the strongest clan, you wouldn't write a forum page long rant. Cry us a river, build a bridge and get the **** over it.
  20. Re: Wilders_Chili vs Se7en Sins, EE war matchups back to basics

    We also faced a similar issue during war #4. Our clan vs -RCA- 32/31 respectively. Though the numbers look as to being a fair matchup it was sadly not so. Their smallest player was bigger than 6 of our warriors. Not to discount RCA in any way they are great warriors, but this was the first time i truly felt we were overpowered by to great of a difference to have a respectable war. I know devs are working on it throughout the weeks but it's just still not quite there.