This event is extremely confusing. You get prima coins or whatever from only HTE/ROTWB, and then you have to find out which eb drops the inf/Aqua things that you fuse them with. Whichever ebs that drops the inf/Aqua thing changes every single day. ***EDIT**** Turns out that my understanding of the event was wrong. You get prima tokens by completing certain ebs, and then you buy these inferno/Aqua things in the marketplace to convert them. ******** Besides the fact that this event is considerably more difficult than others, the rewards aren't really promising. At this point, nobody needs inferno or Aqua because of the previous events. In fact, most people have an excess of inf/Aqua. Thoughts??
I need more aqua to upgrade my level 8 off-hand. Regardless, I'm not going to be serious about this event.
Not sure how you can throw around absolutes. There will always be someone who needs Aqua/Inferno. What about newer players who have missed prior events? My ally "Solareye" joined kaw during the last event and surely needs some elementals! I'm sure there are other newer players in a similar preditactment. I personally have 4k of both, but I don't expect every event to cater to me.
I reckon they're trying to mix up what ebs drop what because people keep complaining all the events are the same. Remember; devs never implement exactly what the community want in the exact way it's been asked for :lol:
Yes, it does make sense. New players will need aqua and inferno to upgrade future equip. Why not let them gather some now? Them missing previous events is irrelevant - ebs drop equip also. Also, if you've paid any attention to what goes on in KaW, you'd know that now events are always one after each other. We're lucky we get one day break.
Events are the new idea of keeping the game going. Instead of flooding new ebs this gives eb farming tasks.
There's no balance in KaW. There's either not enough to do what you want or you have more than you need. Excess for newer players is probably more beneficial as it can allow them to UG their equip quicker so they can hit harder ebs and earn more gold. It can work as an incentive for them as well, to work on getting stronger and gaining more equip.
Again, stop assuming that every event has to cater to you. There is a whole bunch of smaller accounts growing and require aqua and inferno. I would know, I trade allies in the 500b-5t range. I track the smaller ones for future purchases, most of them at 500b end up at 5t in a month. So there is active growth of smaller players going on at all times. It's not the amount of players that have joined in the last 2 days between the event end, but the number of players that haven't been able to place high on the events due to size constraints. No harm in having an aqua/inferno event every few months. The only reason you're upset is because you already have yours.