Why we Comment "Gay so gay...."

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by kenpachi-the-strength-man, Dec 22, 2014.

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  1. I will keep thread simple and easy.

    Most of us say "Man u r so gay"."That is so gay".

    Is being Gay is 'Crime' ? , Just think what u say.
    Many of us just go on thinking its nothing.

    Being gay does not mean , he/she is not human.
    They also earn love. Please respect them.

    Mods and dev u say its 9+ game, Then why cant u see , it is maintained same in the forum.
    If u can silence a guy in Wc thenu can silence a guy in forums too.
    Or make whole Kaw 18+.
    Many of u will troll me, but i dont care.
    I said what i think is right.
  2. Gay means happy so when I say ur a gay OP I'm saying ur happy
  3. Dat double post though
  4. Ops lock away, sorry for double post
  5. So your forum post is going to change global social dynamics ... Gotcha.
  6. Double post. /lock
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