While in the process of updating my guide, a rather disturbing change has shown itself. You can now no longer edit messages from any device after 5 minutes without emailing support the change and having them do it for you. Not sure about the rest of you, but this seems to be the most counter-productive and quite frankly silliest implementation regarding the usage of forums I've seen over the last 3 years. Not only is it an extremely annoying hassle for those of us producing guides or threads that require regular updates, but it just appears that there isn't any reason for it existing in the first place. What could possibly be the benefit of this change? I understood that this existing for mobile devices and then needing to log on via PC to change it, but removing any ability to change what you write after 5 minutes in any way? Seriously. An explanation would be nice, right now it just seems ridiculous and quite frustrating.
I agree with you and disagree with ATA's decision to do so. It's counter productive and counter intuitive. IMO we should be able to edit any post made for an infinite amount of time.
I support, I like the quoting ability, but the lack of ability to edit after 5 minutes is a nightmare. I prefer the old way.
Remember we are dealing with a bunch of Apes somewhere in a cave in the Alps. What else do you expect.
It kills the ability to update guides (which seriously need to be updated) there's no + side to the time limit. And in the fan fiction section. reserving posts does nothing and you can't edit your op to put in more story so you gotta make a whole new thread. Or wait forever for support to update it and what if they do it wrong and erase something important. Like come on.
A little community understanding and requesting community input before making changes that affect no one positively. Is it really so hard to make a thread and just let it run? Or use the poll system they had before hand.
I pointed this out to the support just after the forums was updated and after about 10 emails back and forth me trying to explain the problem, they said and quote them here... I don't know about you but they know...
Support! Especially for those who contribute to the community by making guides and other useful threads. Allow them to update forums.
I noticed this the other day. It really hurts the new players that need these guides. Wulfs guides especially they are way outdated. Support to op! Let's get this changed, or atleast an explanation as in why.
wow. i hadn't noticed that they changed anything on pc. i should have known. the devs never do anything right without doing something wrong.
Might as well have quoted OP. I love the new features but I support this. I haven't had a problem with it YET but I'm sure it will come up soon.
PC and Mobile forums share the same ruleset for editing posts. When it came to allowing players on mobile to edit their posts with the forum update, the limitation of 5 minutes was set to prevent abuse. It's possible to remove this limit, but it would apply to everyone, and on both PC and mobile.
I think it's best to have it unlimited. If it doesn't work, then it should go back to PC only. Having it only on PC was better than only 5 mins on any device. Ideally unlimited on any device would be best....but I understand the potential abuse.
not a good excuse. pc users had been able to edit for years. there was rarely any abuse beyond the rare switch to make the posts that came later look bad.