why Mithril Wars WON'T work-

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by J3abys-In-J3lack, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Here's the thing, and this is why mithril wars will never work
    Forfeit mithril wars won't work because it's based on contribution, so if OSF doesn't contribute a ton, they won't makes any mithril, doesn't work like pwars

    Non forfeit mithril wars are much harder, because the higher both clans prestige is, the more mithril you make

    Let's say clan A has 2 wars, exact same money made, exact same hits and everything

    Clan A is at 1600 prestige
    Clan B is at 1800 prestige
    Clan C is at 1000 prestige

    Clan a beats them both, but they make way more off Clan B then they do off clan C

    Also, after you win a war your prestige increases, when you losena war it decreases

    EDIT: Sorry, i used the wrong terms because i could not predict what the community would call them. i do not mean wars with mithril, i mean trying to use a Mithril war like a pwar, it wont work
  2. Who want to waste money for mythril anyway
  3. Yes!

    Noobs cant color!! :lol:
  4. Ok i understand now
  5. I feel people will always find a way to exploit something. Just a matter of time. I'm sure when the war system was introduced no one saw pwars coming.
  6. Why would you even want to do MWars? Developers did a great job in making EB's more tantalizing. ;)

    It's more profitable to do epic battles, why go through all the trouble? You will get almost double from them.
  7. It'll be good if it doesn't work. That way, there'll probably be more real wars.
  8. If one clan does MWAR and another doesn't they will get destroyed because the bonuses are crazily high, the strongest one is the equivalent of 900k attack and defence.
  9. It will work. It'll just be quite hard to do so. And the OSF will have to be VERY generous, I guess, because they'll lose money. I'm trying to figure out a formula. I've pretty much ruled forfeit MWs out, but I reckon non-forfeit MWs will be able to happen, somehow. I just know it. It wouldn't be right if nobody found a loophole. 
  10. you are looking at mws as thought they were pws. they aren't. the object isn't to get money, it is to get mithril. and it wouldn't be the osf that collects the spoils in an MW, it would be the folks on the attacking side. so an MW can only be done if the osf is generous, but that isn't that big of an obstacle considering most pw clans have their own osfs.

    just switch osf sides every time you want to do one, and the prestige should balance out.

    am i missing something?
  11. Yes you will be able to gain a couple of mithrils with an OSF on the other side..

    However, do take note, you'll have to war a clan with high amount of prestige for the higher amount of mithril gain at the end of the war. :) .

    Clan A (10,000 prestige) winning against Clan B (1,000 prestige), you wouldn't get much of mithrils from that.

    Clan C (10,000 prestige) winning against Clan D (10,000 prestige), will get you a good amount of mithrils - higher than Clan E (1,000 prestige) winning against Clan F (1,000 prestige)

    You'll be able to make a MW, but you won't get much of mithrils that way.

    Apologies if my explanation isn't clear.
  12. I don't like the fact you only get 1hour for coloured writing, should be 24hours or permanent
  13. @wordwaster: You're right. That's an excellent idea, have no idea why I didn't see that before. But I think the amount of mithril you get is based on the overall member strength of the clan you're warring. So having your HLBC OSF and OAF in there and no one else is a no-go. That lead me to another idea, why doesn't one half of the hitting clan go into the OSF clan? That half can get tax free opens for 48 hours. Looks good to me :) The hitting side hits the OSF and gets the mithril at the end, but gets a lot of the cash taken away by war tax. Tell me if I'm missing something, but I think that'll be the way to go! :D
  14. woot! loophole found (maybe). let the mithril farming begin!
  15. As an add-on to my previous post, I think it'd be a lot of work, tagging people to go to whichever side, but I think the future for MWs is bright! Everyone wins! One side gets lots of gold, the other side gets ok gold and mithril! Just switch the OSF clan around so you're always warring the clan with higher prestige. That's the way to make mithril, peeps ;)
  16. Crap, shouldn't have said that in front of mods, now they're gonna patch it in the next update 
  17. so we should be good for at least 6months?
  18. Is prestige static, or does it change when members join or leave? If it's static, the best way to farm mithril (which only functions are strip war security and super EB accelerators) is to create a new clan, send your members there, and defeat your main clan (where osf's stay). Once the prestige equals out between the two clans, then beat your mithril farm clan (with diminishing returns) back down to no prestige (or just make a new clan). Rinse and repeat, and don't forget to make a ton of money in between system wars with coordinated spell usage on EBs and tear through as many as you can in twelve hours.
  19. /end theorycraft
  20. How about there making this so it can get back to the good old days of no pws and just atk ppl and do real wars. What ever happened to that. Why can't it be a plain old war game like it was supposed to be