why kaw grow soft!?!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Not many know me, tbh most know my old main... But sadly hits gone...so I will keep him secret still unless I get him back...

    However, I noticed all kaw is like an family soft and jummy...
    hmm we still fight 100timesbigger clans than us. I mean NA.. Just to prove be top lb prove nothing we fight current fight #27 we are#200 in LB

    I want to tell all small clans u can make a big difference u can kill top lb so easy... Check New Age we might be stupid crazy asses or whatever but one thing we do, we never give up! And most important we never get scared over idiots who their pride is to high ( our current war we fight only big ego and proud players)
    YES we can be bullies, but it's still a pvp game..

    U all seen huge clans grow or disappears during kaw was born, still many thought New Age was to be into history but we still exist WHY
    Easy we never left, many clans fight us and many new clans will fight us.

    Our current osw is only cos we were attacked
    We will never ask help in this fight but to us to be attacked we will never ever agree on cf only apology... it is stupid to attack us,

    So my thread is to all smaller clans, test your wings in fighting big top LB clans you will see and find out you can hurt them, but yes there are some good and big top LB clans, but go Guerilla- tactics you have a big chance against huge LB clans...

    In every OSW is diffrent tactics, dont forget that :)

    SO pls start fight more and dont make this game be an PVE soft game for little children only...

    I do love KAW, and i hope it will change to more fighting game again... But its only YOU as your self can make diffrence at once... Attack EB clans they grow fat and lazy, I know many of them can be good warriors they just need be poking at hahaha

    New Age
    Ps pls trolls show your comments cos ineed links aftermy current osw, I got different alts who will attack u so don't complain
  2. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Support twicc.

    Long live PVP 
  3. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Right, so was this a apology thread to protake or WAR?
  4. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    However i do like the message or the main theme. Lol
  5. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Apology? I think u misunderstood ...
  6. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    I don't think it's a apology...
  7. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    An apology thread? Hahahah qad are you enjoying colorado's new weed laws? U must be high
  8. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    You don't need any links after your current OSW, your suppose to be farming me, you said it many times.
    While waiting I've got bored and am back to an OSW while I wait.
  9. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Whats the update on the war btw. Ending anytime soon?
  10. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Twicc u guys have been big meanies. You need to apologize to armpit-of-china for stripping all those trillions off of him the other day
  11. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Support! Kaw has gone to soft...
  12. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    So, what is the summary of this thread?..

    What's it's purpose?
  13. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Lol i joke i joke i kid kid. I know my joke is not working. Must get to the choppa. I'm not triumph, i'm arnold Get down!!!

    Hats off to you if you got that.

    Btw one thing i didn't understand was that you approved bullying in your thread and then you called another clan bully??
  14. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Watery u can easily join -protake- if they let u in if u are to eager we can still fight u at same time doesn't matter to us...
  15. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    I have to agree with qad, I read the bit about you being #200 and enemy being #27 and thought it was some "way out" of loosing but keeping your reputation.
  16. Re: why kaw grow soft!


  17. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Summary haha u misunderstand I hate all soft kaw what's going on... I dare more clans join -protake- they seem be out of founds .. So they need help fight a #200 LB clan

    Sorry PT but u really need help !
  18. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    I saw this whole thing as a sense of direction for younger,smaller clans showing that through experience - not size. You can still become a well respected, unrelenting clan.

    The relation to his war I believe was simply to prove to the people he was directing the statement at. And he addresses those they are currently in Osw with at the end, making sure they understood NA was not going anywhere for a long time.

    That's my thoughts at any rate :)
  19. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    So my understanding of this thread after your last post is that

    1. WAR has joined protake in the war against you.


    2. You're calling out WAR to join protake in the war against you.

    If the second point is true than either

    3. Protake is out of allies for you to strip. But looking at their roster and their allies, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    So my conclusion is

    You have totally lost it. You've gone crazy. And now you want to selfdestruct by getting more clans to hit you.

    These all are symptoms of a person who has lost hope.

    Thats my summary. I might be wrong though.
  20. Re: why kaw grow soft!

    Twicc, you remind me of Tp. Same goals, and I appreciate that.

    Support, and best of luck to new age 