Ive been trying to figure out how the Mage works for awhile now and the only thing I think MAY b true about the Mage is that the more frequent u see him the more likely he is to chant fail/reset. So, trying a piece of equip every few days would be better than doing it b2b. This relates to buying aqua because by trading crystals for aqua u can get a bunch of aqua and quickly enchant equip. BUT I think that doing this will almost definitely result in ur equip failing/resetting and thus you wasting crystals. Unless you buy the aqua and try enchanting every few days and even then there's the risk of fail/reset. So, I suggest using ur crystals in ebs that pay aqua. The amount of time that it would take u to get the aqua would make ur visits to Mage less frequent and you would actually get something for them instead of wasting them in case of fails/resets. These are just my opinions. My last point is more of a fact. Let's say you buy a bunch of crystals and actually max out all ur equip. You would prob still be doing ebs to grow and those ebs would still be dropping aqua/inferno. So what do you do with this aqua/inferno? Absolutely nothing. Because once ur done maxing ur equip aqua/inferno becomes unless. So in this situation u would have wasted RL money to buy aqua/inferno, that is now useless, instead of using it to grow which u prob still need to do. Honestly. I've wasted an embarrassing amount of crystals on equip n I'm feeling kinda butt hurt. I hope that this post will help other noobs avoid such hurt. Happy KaWing
Aqua and inferno will never run out of purpose. If you max enchant all of your equipment, the devs will have the next update rolling out will new tiers, EBs, etc. If you think they'll stop at 4 corners of the lowlands, you're probably wrong. They'll lose players' interest in the game therefore losing income. I don't think they want that happening.
@naka. Yea but the time between updates makes it so that u can stockpile what you get from ebs. No need to actually buy them. Plus I think it's harder to land complete than max chant equip, so u should spend ur resources on that. @Front. Yep. Motherfuckers got me
Again, back to the newer updates. When they come, the probability of you max enchanting for each item instantaneously is probably miniscule, with you flushing down the resources while it's happening. The upcoming updates might even hold a larger level capacity to enchant, making resets on items a lot larger in percentage rate.
But you are correct, some people are stockpiling large amounts of these resources and will probably never run low soon in time. Maybe the developers will implement an alternative conversion for the surplus of said supplies.
@naka. I say in my original post that chanting b2b has more probability to fail. So yea u wouldn't max enchant right away, but y buy aqua wen a new update comes out? If new lands/buildings come out too don't you think it would be smarter to use crystals to fund land/building upgrades? New ebs prob would drop aqua/inferno in addition to paying more. Y not crystal in those? If ur not trying to max enchant instantaneously then it makes even more sense to use crystals in ebs or attacking over buying aqua and risk wasting them.
Lol. I wasn't supporting the idea of using xtals as currency for enchanting resources. I think you have a misunderstanding.
I think its wrong for the devs to have a system set up that there is a chance for it to be successful if you pay real money for it. If I spend 5 dollars on 1 aqua then I want that aqua to never ever fail. Wouldn't that be considered gambling when chance vs real money is involved? As far as I know, on line gambling is illegal in the United States. I'm more than willing to spend the money if I knew 100% that it will work every time. There should also be a system of being able to trade/convert excess inferno for aqua. Maybe a combination of mith, inferno and gold? I dunno...just a thought...but I do know that I won't be spending money on aqua if chance is involved.
@alpha or what ever ... I'm close enough Well if that is consider gambling then this whole game is because if you buy some thing (like nobs or xtals)and you use it on troops and you attack something that is a chance so that is gambling Considering this has been a "gambling game" since 2009 almost 4 years and haven't been deleted from the USA then there is nothing wrong to have a chance to fail to buy aqua
LoL. We're getting off topic. Original post was to say that buying aqua with crystals is a bad idea. I think everyone has agreed. Maybe now people can can offer devs suggestions or solutions? Unless someone wanna explain to me why buying aqua can be a good idea /:
@snowman. OK you have a point, no one is twisting anyone's arm to buy xtals or nobs. Kaw could be completely free and it is for some players. All I'm saying is there should be some sort of compromise in terms of the amount of money spent on aqua to the failure rate of enchanting with aqua. The devs reserve the right to engineer this game any way they feel fit, but I personally will never ever spend money on aqua due to the price vs. Rate of failure. Inferno can fail all day long and that's perfectly fine since I didn't spend real money on it. As for spending real money on this game, I DO spend. I spend/have spent more on this game than I'd care to share. And I'm fine with that! I'm glad to spend my money on something I enjoy as much as this. But I feel there could be much more fair avenues that could be taken in terms of obtaining and using aqua. Happy Kawing!!!!!
Ive won aqua 3 times total in my kawreer, one time being in a x2 drop eb. I have failed more then 50% of that aqua. Now i have a reduiculous amount to inferno that is useless as i NEVER win aqua. Basically what im saying is this game is ******!