Why Isn't Your Clan Doing EE Wars?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. The devs have thrown out the carrots. Mith. Increased payout from EBs. Better drops. More time zones. One hour war times.

    So why haven't you done one yet??


    There's no hope of winning. We are too late to the game. We need better stats. We need more guild hansels. We need towers. Lots and lots of towers. We need...

    Excuses excuses. There will always be another excuse. The fact is...it's just a little one hour war. Yes, there are about 40 clans who do EE wars consistently. Check them out. Look at their EE levels. Their purdy red equipment, all upgraded to tropospheric levels.

    That's 40 clans out of a zajillion ( +/- a bajillion) in kaw. One of the things that makes them different is that they DO it.

    And you are sooooooo missing out! The pay is GLORIOUS. A 3x Ambush with an EE bonus is sumptuous beyond words.

    But I have no idea about proper strategy like the pros have

    Okay 1) no one is expecting you to be the pro. That only comes with experience and you're not going to get there if you don't get into the batting lineup and step up to the plate. At it's most base level, it's just your side hitting the other side. Do that better than them and you win.

    And b) the other guy will have no clue either (outside those original 40). If you use this as an excuse then you are denying yourself and your clan some of the best growth potential in KaW.


    It's really friggin' complicated

    So 1) don't use "friggin'" - there are kids present and ladies with delicate sensibilities.

    And 2) No. It's not. Not really. Yeah it seems daunting at first. But all you have to do is:

    -pick the time you want to participate
    -get 26-29 peeps who say they will play
    -check the EE schedule for anything that differs
    -have participants go to alchemist and cast Wave of Conflict 3-6 hours before war (someone correct me if I'm wrong). That's their entry ticket to the concert.
    -Sign the clan up for war after you get your peeps onboard.
    -Wait for matchup to see who your opponent will be
    -Wait for notification that mith spells will be counted towards your end reward. At this point it's okay to cast you mith spells.
    -Watch the timer count down and then let loose the dogs of hell! (The pros tend to "Cry Havoc" as well)

    A one hour war goes by fast!! Learn the messages you'll see in cc. Figure out the benefits of sko. Praise the peeps who KO the enemy. And figure out what that means too.

    The point is...you don't have to be a pro. Not of at least 1/4 of kaw participates. You just have to be active!


    We want to win. What's the best strategy?

    Yeahhhhhhh....that's not my area. I'm just trying to be a cheerleader for EE wars because I think they can benefit clans tremendously, no matter what their size and stats are. Hit hard and hit often is as close as I come. You'll have to refer to other posts for strategy.

    But if other clans in kaw start participating and we stress the devs' EE war models, then their strategies are likely to be no better than your ad hoc strategy. And face it, if you don't win, you get to do the Vanished Paladins EB and everyone gets their mith back. You can't lose! (Except for the poor guy who forgot to put his money away before war)

    The devs have been working very hard with perfecting EE wars. They are absolutely the best deal in kaw. You can only win. You can't lose. Get over your apprehensions and do one. It will bring your clan closer together, win or lose. Whatever your clan size.
  2. Support. Gets a bit boring when you face same clan 3 times. But its a heated up rivalry. Anyways get your equipment its more juicy then eb equip
  3. They should Lower the member limit maybe.
  4. I left my old clan to ee. We didn't ee (but twice). Likely because there isn't a huge motivation at this point. Ee now looks completely different than last November when it was released.

    Most "eb'ers" understand that w/o spy def towers they are at a disadvantage. No one wants to build them due to their plunder killing attributes. You either war, or you don't. That is what the devs have made EE into, ESPECIALLY by adding dtw/DTS into the EE mechanics...

    I would love to see more participation, but it likely won't happen, especially with current EE mechanics and reward.

    Perhaps if the "underdog" is also richly rewarded (I.e. double moth on paladin eb, etc) they can illicit more participation (and crystal purchases).

    Also, this is a free game to non-ee; if there were war crystals available for mithril, gold, or inferno - there'd be more participation.
  5. What camcam said, seems like the same clans being matched every week.
  6. Personally I think we are leaving too much to the devs. They control the mechanics and the incentive. But we, as the community, can do so much...apply peer pressure...crowd source EE war participation. WC posts. Walling random clans. Following owners and admins. Get them onboard.
  7. YMM never has enough people... We always have to get wc mercs to come in and they don't cast mith, no xtals, no pots, and inactive. Even if they are active they won't shut the hell up or they don't know what they doin,
  8. Support. Wars are fun and more should do them.
  9. That's a good reason to get more clans taking the plunge. Let those who don't know much fight those who don't know much. Over time they get better. I don't want to dissuade them by belittling them.
  10. Support. I just finished building a new ee clan, we may not start out strong, but once they get used to it and find their system, we will climb the ranks
  11. admins can formally sign up the clan 6-2 hours before the war starts
  12. Push the devs to open vanished paladin eb to whole clan. If 29 people war and lose at least they lost for the clan
    I had 1500 mith from gold purchase before ee started. So if someone who didn't war in an ee clan gets some mith who cares Give them a lower payout
  13. @Dexter - I hear ya but you know the outcry that would result. And it would just increase potential for abuse.
  14. The wars are the best part of this game it makes the previous weeks tapping on an eb worth while. Makes you think more about your build an how to best utilise those hard earned funds best.
  15. Unicorn,

    A well written post! Lots of people likely don't know where to start? If you want to try EE and your clan doesnt, then just go to Main Screen and click Leaders > View Top Clans. The Prestige columns will outline clans that either currently war, or have warred. Search each clan and look for a clan who had members with build and equip similar to yours. Don't look for a clan where everyone is all bigger than you. Then post the owner a wall message stating you want to war. "I have 2 xtals, plenty of pots and will be active and mithed - I am keen to learn and help in war". Most top 20-30 clans will have closed doors with no new visitors, so don't get disheartened, just set sights a little lower.

    Good luck and have fun. EE will make it worth all the effort you put in doing EBs.

  16. We are looking for new warriors. See me if interested or need advice for ee.
  17. Support!!!! U have nothing to lose and u can build a solid clan with ee wars.
  18. In reality, I just don't have time to dedicate 1-2 consecutive hours to this game. A lot of the time, I'm not available during war hours. I've done a few EE wars, and they're fun, but not rewarding enough for me to set aside the allotted time from my schedule.
  19. Support! Get clans up and running!
  20. Devs need to unlock wars... So we can train new players up. No mith rewards etc etc. just let clans declare war on each other