why is my bfe all screwed up?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TI-THE_KISSING_BANDIT-TI, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Not sure whats going on getting all sorts of crazy numbers...
  2. A ss would be nice
  3. Are you on android?
  4. Yes on android and not sure how to copy a ss here...
  5. If it looks like this... It's pretty normal.

  6. @Sasuke, you don't have anything crossing 100m, when you do the numbers get jumbled and pushed down! This doesn't happen on all android devices though, my nexus 6 has this display glitch.
  7. ^All right then...
    Using nexus 5 2013 >.>

  8. You mean this? The numbers get pushed out.
  9. I believe it has something to do with the model of the device, the screen size or resolution perhaps? For instance, on my older devices I could see all of my bfe stats, but when I purchased my newest phone I soon realized that only the top half (the attack and attack defense total) is visible. Other areas of the game are also similarly affected, such as on the Event LB Rankings page. I am sure there are some sort of settings or ways to fix it but since I would probably mess my phone up completely in the process, I just log onto my account on pc if I need to see those particular numbers.
  10. I thought so too, but I'm running a Nexus 6, a One Plus Two and a Sony Z5 at the moment!
    I have the same issue on all 3, and all 3 phones are 2015 models with 5.5+ inch screens.
    I tested it out on a smaller 5 inch phone and it had same issue.
  11. Again the best thing to do is to send a screenshot to the devs.
  12. I have over the last 1.5 years, quite a few times! Everytime they tell me they'll submit a ticket to the developers about it and nothing really happens.
    What peevs me off is, these are the things that should be fixed instead of a 25% plunder banner.
  13. I just figured it out today! At least for my device, I just had go into Settings and decrease the font size. It does make everything very small and hard to read though, so I would suggest only doing this when you want to see those particular stats.