Seriously Why is Farming Bad? I Farmed Someone and He Started Crying and Got Mad, Then I Pointed out this is a WAR Game. he Then Said If you Farm then Other people will Farm YOU. EXACTLY this is a War Game! you Protect yourselves and Buy Allies Etc, The reason Why this isn't a War Game is Because The Term Farming is Not Allowed in Clans or Pretty much anywhere! This Causes EB Noobs and A Bunch More Problems. I Hope you Agree With me, Blaze
Farming isn't bad. At all. People have just become unbearably spoiled since the advent of epic battles. It's almost impossible to grow as a farmer, too.
Blaze when ur strip farmed and pinned for a week you'll know pinned fr about 5 hours once bc a clannie made a big head mistake and a clan took it out on me because I was the top member and they couldn't hit the others bc they where too low to hit
Limiting hits outside war prevents bullying weaker players. It also allows newer players a chance to build their kingdoms before getting involved in wars. Again, people can, with good cause, farm a player (he/she talks smack on ur wall, makes threats, posts idiotic comments in forums, war, etc). OP - u can put a link on my wall. I'll strip ur allies later and have a small alt farm the $ from u while u r asleep. Then u'll have a better understanding why the unwritten rule exists.
I hate having to read posts that are all in caps its even worse when they capitalize random words like the OP did.