Why is Farming Bad?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. Seriously Why is Farming Bad? I Farmed Someone and He Started Crying and Got Mad, Then I Pointed out this is a WAR Game. he Then Said If you Farm then Other people will Farm YOU. EXACTLY this is a War Game! you Protect yourselves and Buy Allies Etc, The reason Why this isn't a War Game is Because The Term Farming is Not Allowed in Clans or Pretty much anywhere! This Causes EB Noobs and A Bunch More Problems.

    I Hope you Agree With me,
    Blaze 
  2. Try to farm
  3. ^challenge accepted
  4. Haha Challenge Accepted ^.^
  5. Ur too small to farm much if u want to farm so bad join pure evil
  6. Farming isn't bad. At all. People have just become unbearably spoiled since the advent of epic battles. It's almost impossible to grow as a farmer, too.
  7. No I Don't Care Too Much about Farming OR Ebs I Really don't play anymore
  8. Blaze when ur strip farmed and pinned for a week you'll know pinned fr about 5 hours once bc a clannie made a big head mistake and a clan took it out on me because I was the top member and they couldn't hit the others bc they where too low to hit
  9. Don't ask questions. Just farm.
  10. Yes I Have been Pinned once and it's Annoying but then I Played on my Main And Pooped on the Kid ^.^
  11. Limiting hits outside war prevents bullying weaker players. It also allows newer players a chance to build their kingdoms before getting involved in wars. Again, people can, with good cause, farm a player (he/she talks smack on ur wall, makes threats, posts idiotic comments in forums, war, etc).

    OP - u can put a link on my wall. I'll strip ur allies later and have a small alt farm the $ from u while u r asleep. Then u'll have a better understanding why the unwritten rule exists.
  12. And Blaze, I don't believe that you have larger "main" account. Prove me wrong by posting with it.
  13. Hey OP Why Do You Capitalise Every Word?
  14.  No Comment you Should Know that
  15. I hate having to read posts that are all in caps  its even worse when they capitalize random words like the OP did.
  16. IDK it's a war game
  17.  poat with your "main"
  18. Well its a war game. So i should farm u then