Why is everything so expenisve?

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Tomo-chan, Oct 30, 2023.

  1. I just came back to this game after a long time. I don’t know how I can afford any buildings when the pay from attacking people is so low
  2. There are actually numerous reasons for this. Firstly you are tiny, so the amount of plunder you will receive from either PvP/PVE will likewise be tiny and fairly insignificant compared to the price of new lands/buildings... Another reason is that PVE is the most common method of gaining gold (second to dropping buildings).. Either method PvP/PVE will take a considerable amount of time to advance into later stages of the game... Just be prepared to have a long gruesome grind if you wish to advance...Good luck either way, hopefully you'll find a way to grow