*****!!!!WARNING!!!!**** This is human interest crap. You may not be interested. I actually don't hate it...I love it. My love of it is not so dissimilar to loving your parents, your children or a spouse. Nothing makes you more angry than family, or in the words of Bobby Singer: "Family's supposed to make you miserable because that's what they do!" I love reading and my favorite subjects are several fields of science; astronomy, cosmology, astrobiology, astrophysics, and to a lesser extent biology and geology. I also love philosophy and theology, but what I turn to when I am not interested in heavy reading is science fiction. I prefer military, epic journeys, and especially apocalyptic SciFi and the bigger the apocalypse the better. I also love dark or bittersweet endings and the best SciFi writers have a good understanding of science. Hey I loved Star Trek but if a book says anything about dylithiam crystals, I'm out. But then, here in lies my problem. I am very picky about what I read when it comes to SciFi. A book can have all the ingredients I mentioned above and it still probably won't keep my interest. Whenever I buy a SciFi book, its one hell of a crap roll. If the author hasn't gotten my attention in the first 20 pages or less, the writer will almost certainly have lost me. Seriously, as ridiculous as it seems, most of the SciFi books in my book shelves are ones I haven't read beyond the first couple chapters...and today I find out if I will add to that feature or not. The book I just bought is a military SciFi named "Grunt Life" written by Weston Ochse. Wish me luck and share on this thread whether you relate or not, or perhaps your own epic reading fails.
Try John g. Hemry he's an American sci fi author written several engaging series all pretty hard science not space opera I enjoy both genre but can understand the preference for more thought out less fantastical stories .
Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimov, Joe Haldeman and Frank Herbert (youd probably prefer his single stories Hellstroms Hive, The White Plague, The Jesus Incident)