Why I don't spend money on this game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Damn, They're playing hardball now. They took it to a whole new level.
  2. So you're adopting a little African boy? Congrats.
  3. Leonard likes this post
  4. Lolz I know it's rude and messed up to laugh but come on, it's funny. pet files haha
  5. I think its stupid to spend on an african kid when american kids i know are struggling
  6. I was lead to believe that i was purchasing real gold.
  7. I purchased ObamaCare, then I got ******
  8. Oh, censored
  9. 
  10. So just because this kid he's providing food for is African, that means he's a lesser being?
  11. not a lesser being, but less potential for sure.
  12. Your going to hell. I will see you there.
  13. you're* and for what reason? my only sin is stating the obvious and then going back to needlessly defend it.
  14. I think he means we should help our own people before jumping to help others.
  15. Reason why America had slavery for a very long time. People like you ruin the world. You too d4rk
  16. America had slavery for a very small amount of time, actually. black people were some of the least persecuted groups to date. slaves literally built the country you live in. if not for slavery your holy country would have fallen ages ago.
  17. White Americans can work by themselves you know, they just pass it to the Black Americans and let them do all the work by force (which can you call slavery).
  18. actually, you're wrong. before we go further, have you ever taken a college level US history class? or hell, do you at least remember high school? the problem may lie here.
  19. Its true anyway, and if I'm wrong then sorry because I am not an American like you.
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