Why/How to become a Hansel

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Burningclaw, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. ---Terms:
    •Hansel: All spies but One building
    •Pot:potion, makes you stronger
    •Dark Assassin: strongest T1 Spy Build
    •"Stat": Your Allie bonus
    •Spell: New way For defense, watch out for people with an upgraded castle
    •Farm: Attack 5(sometimes 3) or more times in a day
    •EB:Epic battle
    •Pwars: Plunder Wars, No need to go into any detail because the Devs killed them( Laughing on the inside)

    After the update Many Hansels are mad, But NOW is the best time to become a hansel!
    You may not think it but they have many advantages! Remember; Lack of war plunder= Lack of Pwars,=lack of money= slow build= More time to attack them=Even SLOWER build for them while you get stronger
    Here are some:

    A:Giant Plunder in Epic Battles
    Dependant on allies and after the update no one has enough money to strip you of them.

    Major Plunder, and because there are fewer there are less to stop you!

    C:Strong allies
    If you have lots of allies LOADS of them you probably have weak ones too, are you getting what you paid for? This equation helps you figure it out:X=total cost divide and look how much gold you pay for each stat point

    Basic Rules
    •Factor in the "Pot/Spell] chance
    •Lightning never strikes the same place twice, you shouldn't either

    So after you get the 24BILLION
    (I recommend saving 1.8Bil before building each time and Make sure you have all lowlands completed)

    Build little by little getting more and more Dark Assassins.

    Before you Start to spy farm ALWAYS and I mean it, ALWAYS make sure your are 10-30K stronger then them, you never want to give yourself away.

    Pot spell Chance is determined on Their hire value, stats, and battles won, If they are Over priced You less likely to run into any problems

    Do tons of EBs

    REMEMBER Kaw is a game where money is taken from one person say 2.7Mil and the person only looses .9 in the end EVERY thing you do results in more/Less money.

    PS: before this I was a Hansel, and i reset right before the age of the nooblets came, destroying all brains-.-
  2. There is already a hansel guide
  3. Go easy on me my first guide
  4. needs a little work. but a good start.
  5. Ok well just make sure your guide hasn't been made already or is at least better. Not bashing you its the truth
  6. It is WHY mostly
  7. First if all, Hansels need strong allies so their atk and def can do something. Second, T1 spy building is more commonly known as a lvl 4 guild (when maxed). I have a number 3 but forget lol. Will post it
  8. Oh yeah, farming is MORE than 5 times a day, not 5 or more and CERTAINLY not 3 or more.
  9. You could have used the time spent on writing this guide with reading other better guides and improve your own game. Its not that I'm disapproving people making guides but this kind of guides imitating (im rather sure these information can be found in other better guides) others are regarded as spam.
  10. Whaaaat?



    Where did this number come from?

    I am seriously so confused.
  11. Lol missmelon. 24b is cost to convert lowlands to lvl 4 guilds, but he forgot that there is 1 land that remains unconverted, and for guilds doesnt have to be changed all at once. Spy farmer thing means you make a lot off of steals and spy actions in EBs (thats my best guess anyways), and I have no idea what's with the ally price thing. It is 10k for every 100m until you reach 2b.
  12. And the overpriced allies not causing problems thing I'm pretty sure means that overpriced allies won't sell, so you don't have to worry about that... Even though ally trading is the only way to grow.
  13. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
  14. Ok Missmelon 24Bil came from: 25,000 2,500,000 75,000,000 900,000,000=977,525,000
    (Fully upgraded spy guild)

    Then that times 23 (all land but one)

    1,200,000,000(rough on guess for avery)

    (977,525,000•23) 1,200,000,000=ABOUT 24,000,000,000gold

    Math is easy-.-
  15. No, over priced allies are not cost efficient, you need STRONG allies for Att. Bonus to be able to Att. People
  16. But, if they are over priced no one will buy them so you will not be strip farmed
  17. OH WOW

    Another pointless thread yay
  18. You left out an addition sign so your multiplying you suck at easy math.