One thing i have been thinking about is, is there a point growing? Does the game improve as you grow? are u always hitting ebs that are just slower/stronger? There will allways be people stronger than you. does your pvp pool just change? You probobly will allways have a land to buy. I was thinking to just pick a strenth that suits, build some towers and play without growing? Or am i going mad?
Growth brings in plunder. Size also effects pvp ranges, and war ranges. Depends on your play style how big you want to be. Ask yourself at each size you want to be is this how I want to play if not, increase build or drop build.
The game tends to centre around your kingdom (for the most part). Whether you choose to continue to grow or stay at a certain CS is a personal preferance. But I'd say many players are interesting in getting stronger to chase better ebs, better gold, hit bigger targets in PvP, join stronger clans etc. Whether the game improves or not is also personal opinion. Game improvement doesn't necessarily equate to getting BC. There's no right or wrong answer to your questions. It's up to personal preference.
The point of growing is to dominate Bigger stats can get u into better clans tighter clan as far as the social aspect goes it's the social aspect that keeps us here not the game itself
That's the great thing about this game, you can grow or not grow, it's up to you.. This is your game, play it the way you want and don't let anyone tell you any different Just remember you will Never beat this game as You can't.. There's is no Winning..
Well, if you are hitting/osw'ing now, theres a good possibility that by choosing to not grow you are pretty much going to gradually watch them start to steam role your account..
I think it depends what players want out of the game. The option to grow gives you the incentive to strive to be bigger than the next guy.
Grow to kick bigger peoples ass seriously why would you want to stay small and smash noobs your whole kaw life.
Well, not everyone has the same playstyle. I've seen plenty of accounts get HIGH END EB gear, drop stats, and proceede to pound people who run their mouth, that are much much lower. Whether it's to actually teach them a lesson, or to see what reaction you can get, EVERY PLAYER will find their niche. Big OR Little.
Personally, chasing BC was fun. I've lost interest playing ever since I BC-ed. I don't care much for BFA, so there's nothing much left for me to do. Might give this away and start all over. :lol:
Regardless if your on the top leaderboard or if your a warring player. Growing gives you a sense of accomplishment. Even though the lively hood if being the strongest without thousands of dollars. Its still a great feeling to upgrade & open lands plus the great sense of pride you feel for accomplishing the overly difficult task of getting somewhere in kaw. (Before silver bars flooded the game)
Oh for sure. It opens up the game a little bit more. But for a lot of people it's not a play style they enjoy chasing. To me, it's like people who prefer playing "Vanilla" rather than playing the newer expansions of a video game.