This is not a complain, just an idea for devs so lots of kaw warriors don't feel cheated.. Some kawers like me been warring all war seasons and all kind of wars for years to get our mith equips and upgrades. It means lots of time, sleepless nights, mith, gold and skills as wars are not ebs, pvp hits back and costs gold.. Now devs come up with lots of events (gotta say i support events to make kaw more complete and ineteresting) dropping very good equips that u can get in just a week hitting the proper ebs. Well problem is those equips are way better than the hard earned war/mith equips, some of them cost thounsands of mith to be maxed, and its not fair u can get for example a sword like the one i use now so easily and ridiculously superior to any mith one.. Here's my idea, u devs did just update dragon ebs equip stats so it accords to the difficult on getting them. So why not do same with season and mith equips?? I guess most kaw warriors like me feel cheated with this, so just try to fix it and sure it will be good for the game. U know all those players worked hard for those equips that now are just useless. Hope u can work on this devs, thank you for reading.
Well spoken Al maybe devs will find a way to benefit from this since money is the big motivator after all it is a business not just a service so hopefully this thread will show enough support so they see there's a market in it
indeed mith equipment can't compete with events equipment stats.mithril one of the element in kaw have limitation,only by winning a war u get more mith.devs should know thats peeps warring bcos of mithril and ee. support this plea of warriors who scarifice most of they precious hours just for warring.
The thing is the equip in the alchemist is old, do you have a better crown/hat/helmet whatever than what s5 gave? Because I don't.
Totally agree. I think mith equipment should be a bit better than event equips and most eb equipment. I always thought it would be better is mith equips had more offensive stats while dragon relic equipment (eb) have more defensive stats. Maybe the devs should add a eb/pvp plunder boost to mith equipment? Like the equipment from the first pvp event. It could help them a bit and add value to their hard earned equips. Unless the devs are secretly trying to kill off pvp/EE and make kaw a eb fairies realm *grins* heheheh...
Just compare with Dagger of Sylphid and Ursine Breastplate, best mith equips available at marketplace, and calculate the mith needed to max it..not fair at all, event ones are cheaper, easier and stronger so ppl won't war so much..
The devs know their war reward system is unfair and flawed. The question is whether they actually care or not. Fixing mith payouts won't bring in cash, so they determined just to ignore it.
Much support, they should let us sell equipment for mith also, I have too many mith off hands. Yet they all suck compared to these eb eq
I agree with this idea only as long as they make it cost gold, 1 tril min. The stat increase would be worth more than that if bfa. So it's only fair, and would eliminate some gold from kaw
I love the threads of one kind of button tapper claiming to be better than another button tapper. Do you know how much sleep I lose waking up each night to tap buttons??????
As Much as it irritates me too spending 1k mith on eq that was outdated the next week.... The money you've spent warring hardly compares to the money most have spent getting top 3 tier rewards. Can't expect exceptional equipment for cheap.
Support. Now, Event equipment are much better then MITH equipment. When peeps are getting high stat equipment in less day then absolutely less wars. And less wars will not give profits to devs. Now a days, devs only care about money. So initiating B2B event. It's good. Coz dev need to run servers. But fun is not like before. Many warriors tooked retired and many left kaw. So devs plz provide more stat in MITH equipment so that more peeps like to join wars. :~chax~:™
Sorry I can't find the quote at the moment. But I believe te devs answered this before along the lines of. Why should players that repeatably exploit and stack and exclude hundreds of players to the detriment of the game get all the best rewards. Well actually I think their quite was a little more blunt. But end result is. Years of exploits, stacked clans and elitist players created the war systems we have today and the rewards available. No one to blame, other than those who ruined the war system for everyone else. Of course the devs offer equal or better rewards in promos that all can chase. It provides rewards and equipment to the majority of their customers/ users. Maximum gain for devs and players. A shame. I used to love the ee system when it came out. Time will tell if the new lowland wars restore them to their glory days. Or whether it becomes just another underused aspect of the game.