Why don't people let me In their clan?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by kingrubin, Sep 9, 2012.

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  1. I don't understand why people never let me in their clan.

    I can hit the eb perfectly like if someone is doing TBO they won't let me in I can hit Cave of Riches!
  2. Noob adevertosed this in wc
  3. Advertised**
  4. You can't hit TBO even I cant :lol:
  5. Cause your a noob who posts on forums about this crap. If your willing to complain about something like that, no wonder people don't want you.
  6. Its becuz hlbc can hit harder
  7. Because you are too weak. Not even a mil cs. Look at it this way, would you rather have a 1 mil cs player or a 9 mil cs player, if you are behind in an eb or if you are running a T6/7 eb?
  8. Cause you suck
  9. I know I'm weak but if their doing completely fine on the eb letting me in wont hurt
  10. Read their description or ads, it says the minimum cs. Clans actually go by their descriptions, you know.
  11. SUPPORT 
  12. You won't do enough damage
  13. I have reviewed your account nd have possibly found your answer.

    Your stats are too small. Yes you can hit an EB, but you aren't hitting it hard enough to be a quality contributor. You'll find that when you grow a bit and get your stats into the millions that many more clans will be open to you.

    In the mean time, focus on making friends in the clans that DO let you in. With luck, your smallish friends will grow with you and you'll have some nice alliances in a couple of months. 
  14. Y'all all crazy it should not matter what their stat r, the more member u have in ur clan the stronger y'all. And it best for the EB.
  15. Unless you only have 1-2 spots to fill...then obviously you pick the higher stat guy.
  16. Like it has already been stated, why would a clan running T6-T7 epic battles want to let a small stat member like op in when they can accept a member with 8,9 or 10 mill cs?

    The damage a player with ops stats can do is negligible at best.
  17. Stat requirement
  18. It's a mystery... Maybe change your name op. that's my best guess :)
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