why don't mods do something besides just silencing people

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *_lover__aruto2__boyee_ (01), Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Mods are here to help, yet they don't do anything but mock us over their power, there should be something against mods, show them we are all equil... If I had a dollar for every thine I see mistakes the mods make on us, I'd be a trillion air. So mods just hear us out
  2. You cant spell.

    Also stop being butt hurt and whining.
  3. Trillionare*
  4. Well of you or someone feels they are wronged by a mod then report it. They can get in trouble to.
  5. Why don't trolls ever post with any thing other then an alt?
  6. They also lock threads that are against ToS and also answer questions.
  7. Silencing people is their job so that we don't end up in chaos :D
  8. Maybe they'd treat you EQUAL if you spelled EQUAL correctly. Just a suggestion.
  9. I'd say Altitude summed it up.
  10. Btw the way if you follow all the rules than you should rarely worry about what the mods do. I don't concern myself with what they do unless I'm screwing up and reading rules.
  11. What did you want against the mods?
  12. [​IMG]
  13. ^lol you are armed to the teeth with memes today.
  14. Lets go, [​IMG]
  15. Honda you make fun of op because he can't spell. How do you know he isn't a young 9 year old child with a learning disability? People like you are a debt to society. Do everyone a favor and shut the **** up.