why does my cats breath smell?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mickthedestroyer, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. My cats breath smells really bad...
  2. get some kitty treats for bad breath.
  3. Spread peanut butter on your privates and let him lick it off.
  4. How appropriate
  5. op...you realize your cat spends most of its free time licking itself, right?
  6. Isn't peanut butter poisonous to cats?
  7. Quit letting him lick your poop shoot and it won't stink.
  8. It could be a rotten tooth, a cats breath shouldn't smell bad all the time.
    Get it's teeth checked, same thing happened to one of my cats, got really bad breath, ended up to be a bad tooth and gingivitis.
  9. dont worry about it. and why are you smelling your cat's breath in the first place?
  10. Forums>Strategy>Why does my cats breath smell????? Is this a strategy guide for cats ds???
  11. Yes, and I smell because the gum on the side of the road tastes wonderful
  12. Because it licks its own ass to clean itself.
  13. Why bump this? This needs a lock...
  14. Doesn't everyone lick there own ass to clean themselves....
  15. That's becuz cats suck. Get a dog!