Why does it feel like bigger builds are hating on smaller bu

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iAmRenewed, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. It might just be me but it feels like most of the kingdoms that are ranked and even the ones that are very close to making it are complaining about smaller builds that want a tournament for their that category?

    I think that the ones complaining are upset because while they were growing to the top they didnt have a tournament so now they are rejecting the idea of a tournament for smaller kingdoms.

    Why complain about a new tournament for smaller kingdoms?

    Isnt there a way in which we can all get along and allow smaller kingdoms to enjoy an organized tournament as well?
  2. Bro... it's a war game. Getting along like were some gay bath house isn't how it goes.
  3. Cuz they r meanies!! Down with the big builds!!
  4. I bet you just read the title and didnt even take time to read what i posted ... But whatever !!!
  5. You entitled to your opinion even if its stupid
  6. Big players have played longer and deserve special things like the ASW, ect. Don't like it? Send feedback
  7. What basilisk said :)
  8. What basilisk said :)
  9. Basilik .. I understand the feedback thing ... I also understand that bigger builds have worked hard for a while to get to where they are. I am not suggesting a tournament where smaller kingdoms reap the same benefits. The suggestion is one where smaller kingdoms can war in an organized tournament and maybe get very small rewards etc.

    I also respect the fact that the ranked kingdoms have put in time to get where they are but keep in mind that smaller kingdoms invest time as well. Maybe not as long as bigger kingdoms but they also invest time ad that should not be overlooked.

    Bigger kingdoms invest long time = big rewards

    Smaller kingdoms invest less time = small rewards
  10. Because smaller people can join clans and learn to war doing system wars of osw's...stuff like the asw is something thats earned...thats what your not getting...
  11. Gods, I actually did read your post, my first post still stands.
  12. I dont think many players would begrudge a smaller player a tournament; however, how many small kingdoms know how to war? Not many- if they do they are alts. Before you say that they need to learn, a special tournament is NOT the place to learn these skills as some in the ASW figure out every year. Send your feedback. You couls always set up an informal one yourself and see if the devs would cough up a small prize?
  13. Tigress... I'm a small kingdom :| And I've been warring since my first week of playing.

    :| Lol.
  14. Although im not a large player, I still find it annoying how smaller player's want tournament's. I've played this game for well over 2 year's and worked my *** off, although my stats dont reflect that. (Reset 1x while T4 LCBC)

    In my opinion, if I took 200 people from stat's 500k cs to 800k cs (Approximately T3 LCBC), I doubt more than 20 actually know how to war. It's not just hitting people, you need strategy and organization.

    Can you even list 10 people that size who aren't alt's that can correctly report attacks/ inc attacks?
  15. Dude i get it bigger builds want to have all the fun while the smaller kingdoms get nothing
  16. Gods, are you really complaining about your own thread? All the posts were on topic, don't be a noob.
  17. Im not complaining about my own thread .. Whether i am a big kingdom or a small one .. Am for having a tournament that is a category below ASW ... It would be nice and should not in any way interfere with any big kingdoms or even the ASW
  18. By the way stating my opinion does not make me a noob
  19. Gods, what everyone is saying is that smaller player (non alts) for the most part have no idea how to war. With that being said, why should kaw create a prestigious war/tournament for them when they have no clue what to do?

    Yes, many players in the top 10k have bought their way there but most have worked to earn that spot. If you feel left out you should put the time in like others and earn a chance to participate in next years asw
  20. How does not knowing how to war equal not being able to have a tournament .. I mean i think spending 2 months building a kingdom (2 mil - 3 mill build ) would be good enough to enter a tournament. Its not like they will war along with bigger kingdoms who may get bothered by the lack of warring experience. No one will have much experience so no one will really complain.

    Let the none experienced war against eachother and have fun.

    Lets look at pro sports for example major leagues are not the only ones in existence there are minor leagues, there is also college ... There is even local community competition that has organized competition. Why only strive to have one Annual tournament when there can be several for all to have fun.

    Why wait 2-3 years to be worthy to play in ASW