Why do I lose to people who are weaker than me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *jacobi555 (01), Dec 4, 2010.

  1. How come when i hit people who are way weaker I lose
  2. Allies, permanent items, normal items. Or they have a few def towers.
  3. The person I hit has no allies or pots and I thought defense towers stats were shown in the stats
  4. The person I hit has no allies or pots and I thought defense towers stats were shown in the stats
  5. Your troop count could have been low when you hit. That lowers your chances of winning also
  6. Depends on weak remember your looking at a non fair dice/die. So 100 vs 100 isn't really 50% chance win or lose.

    Ally str and stats contribution may not be equal weight.
  7. Cos you suck
  8. Sometimes people are just losers. No matter what :(