Why did A&E get rid of H2?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WINNE-, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. It's a tragedy when one of the best channels on television gets replaced. It's even more of a tragedy when it's the only channel left that had decent science and science fiction shows... I'm outraged! Just hoping more fall in line and let your outrage be known to A&E as well 
  2. H2 was pure crap ...pseudo science at its worst.

    ...Ancient Aliens?? lol (ild rather watch pro wrestling)

    They should cancel the history channel too ...that's 75% crap (BS)
  3. Re: Why did A

    Ah the "history" channel. Aka aliens, Bigfoot, and crazy rednecks.

    As for H2 can't say that il miss it. But then again I never watched it that often. A lot of these "history" and "science" channels are mostly crap now so.. Prolly dropped it due to low ratings.
  4. Re: Why did A

    remember that really crappy tabloid called "The World News"? ...History Channel/H2 are basically the TV versions of that taboid
  5. Unicorns