Why DEV changed my name?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by __infowars__COMing_4_Truth__, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. My name was for 1 year infowars_com
    Not infowars.com . COM is my initials n after I attaked one moder with green seal he changed my name for this stupid that i have now. And I can't change it. So now u do what ever u want because u think u Gods n nobody can't reach u? Is this u message ? It is so pathetic. Im going repost this post every day until u let me change my name n Im going to post this story on all internet forums and going to complain into BBB on your company. It is beyond
  2. The butthurt is strong in this one.
  3. You got silenced too. And if you post this every day you'll be forum banned :lol: You're lucky you had it for a year without a mod seeing. It's against TOUd
  4. Just use feedback to request a new name. They do that if you get renamed this way.
  5. Just have patience. Name changes not allowed ATM due to event.(I think)
  6. Op has a sword. But shhh no one is meant to know :cool:
  7. I like op, he isnt dtw like you

  8. If you want to request a name change send a request through feedback. If you feel you were wrongfully named or have questions regarding your name change as to what is appropriate for a name in Kingdoms at War email support@athinkingape.com.

    If you repost your post which you call "story" every day, you have the risk of being forum banned. As to any other allegations about your in-game name or your in-game silence you can email support@athinkingape.com.
  9. Stop quoting every damn op
  10. Also support decides on name changes,not moderators.
  11. Ur full of poopoo .com is exactly what u meant. Go cry to ur mommy kid
  12. I completely believe you op. It was an obvious coincidence you chose to put your name like that. .

    Ps thanks for the sword
  13. U brain is poopoo.com Hero
  14. U not a part of the Criminal Team.
    No matter how hard u try to help them. And u always be for them just disposable toilet paper. They will use u and will drop u.
    (For people who think they are part of Terrorist-Team)
  15. Lol rules are rules. Those trying to tiptoe around them eventually lose their footing.

  16. Also mods and players bring it to supports attention. Don't be dumb ace
  17. What he saying is he didnt rename him the devs did themselves dont b stupid stupid
  18. This guy... Him wondering about his name change is like asking Why is water wet?

  19. Lol. Who's the nut job that runs that website ? Alex something ? I'm curious how long can you scream about world takeover and conspiracy while nothing actually happens before people stop listening ?

    Well, Hopefully not much longer