why CoD less profitable than hunting?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by wawedo, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. Ppl always say hunting is the best. Why? Cuz the net plunder of CoD is almost 2.5times of the hunting(seen from clan history). There r bonuses some more. Why few clan do CoD? Too hard to complete? Thx.
  2. Well CoD usually takes longer, so Haunts make more in smaller amount of time.
  3. Payout sucks in comparison of haunting. While overall amount made from the ebs is drastically different, time to complete is way shorter for haunting. Thus making haunting more profitable
  4. Items? Equips? Derp.
  5. Call of the dead is a long eb that can take twice the time of haunting.

    Bonus: u may get a permanent item
    Minus: high level pots used
    Minus: makes less than the amount u make in a haunting
    Minus: plunder made is not beneficial to the amount of pots

    As u can see, there are more minus's than pluses

    The haunting:

    Plus: make a lot of money
    Minus: does not get a perm item
    Plus: pots do not cost a lot, but make a lot using pots
    Plus: very easy to advertise for hauntings
    Plus: can be beaten in a very small amount of time.

    As u can see, there are more pluses than minuses, so the haunting is better.
  6. On a gold per hour basis haunting pays best. But FOD can be more profitable if you hit items.
  7. Not as many hoes
  8. City of the dead, not Call xD
  9. I say if you can do 3 hour B2B CoD, it will pay off. But that requires more activity , unlike The haunting where it's attack/assassinate, items, attack/assassinate, items.
  10. My clan does 4 hour cod daily. Almost no clan can compleat sub 3 hour cod 24/7. Unless you have some heavy xtal users in the clan.
  11. I don't think the amount of pluses and minuses is a really good determining factor at which is better.
    Some of the pluses are really good while others aren't.
  12. i you are lucky bastard city of duty? call of dead? is far more better
  13. Lol get call of duty outa your head