Why can i not get A GOOD ITEM from BARREN ORCHARD??? Sometimes i give a whooping 300-500 actions for the eb,get 2.8 bill, and some 3 mill combined stat person that did 30 actions with 500 mil get THE DROP??? THIS IS SEGREGATION DEVS!!!
You were warned! This was SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the thread they made over the new ebs. You are wasting your own time, go hit a another eb, you are too small for BO anyways
No it isn't discrimination by any means. The devs mentioned that the drop rate is broadly commensurate with your build. This is to avoid lower level players receiving strong items and thus causing an imbalance in their dynamic/static stats. The first set of equipment rewarded bonus from equipment according to a percentage of your stats. The new enchantable items provide a direct amount of stats. TL;DR Little Guy + Enchanted Equipment = Tough Opponent Sidenote: OP is bigger than Flint and Flint tried out TBO the day it came out. Flint went to the clan "the Barren Orchard" and did a bunch of them there. If OP wants to try it out then he has a right. Don't be a hypocrite little dude.
That's exactly the thing, Your too small for those ebs in the first place. the bigger you are the better chance you have for a drop! If you think it's "Unfair" it isn't at all! Players put time into becoming strong so they have more oppertunities than weaker players. Grow and become bigger don't whine about it.
@Little Amigo My point is most clans won't accept him. I was let in and allowed to say because I was there early on, even before the Wulf made the thread
@OP. it's nothing that the devs hate against us. These new eb's are higher division. Bigger players have more chance of drop then you small players. Like what "Great" said hit the smaller epic battles that drop the other items and complete those first while you manage to grow. 2 More items till I'm finish with all items.
That is true, it would be hard to find a clan, but that wasn't the issue that I was addressing. I brought up your hypocrisy; you are telling someone to do something that you yourself did. Besides, I find it that by letting the lower stat players realize, by their own devices, the futility of trying to do harder EBs they will come to the conclusion with a greater resolve.
@Flint. You tell him to grow and all this stuff about how you can't get it until you're a bigger build. Which yes, is correct. Yet you are smaller than him and have a TBO item...?
You gotta be among the top hitters as well. Cept now stuff is dropping like crazy. 28 sickles in one eb.
Every small player I've seen trying to get the new items has failed. You have to have castle upgraded to level 3 to stand a chance at winning. It's not about the actions it's about your size your damage per hit and so on. When your small you do weak damage. When your larger you do greater damage.
Stuff doesn't really seem to be dropping like crazy, I've had 4 drops in 9 months. Also, I think what is more of a problem here is that, by the time weak people get strong enough to hit the new ebs, the DR will have been slashed back down, I one of each piece will drop per eb. And by that point in time, there will be some new bigger eb with loads of drops, that all the strong people can get, but again, by the time the weak person has built up, the drop rate will have been slashed Tl;dr The drop rate changes make it far harder or weak players to get drops There are several solutions to this I suppose, one of them being that the devs set a new, consistent drop rate, that only lowers when everyone in the clan has said drop. This rate wouldn't be 1, but it shouldn't be over 5.
Sorry 'bout the typo's, its early and I'm on a iPhone with dodgy calibration. Oh, and one more thing, someone will inevitably say "hurr durr, don't go for drops". But that doesn't really apply now that drops are getting good. Someone with all equipment enchanted is going to be considerably stronger than someone like me, with just 4. People will go for drops more than ever now. Just watch them.