Do you realize that you and everyone could be making MORE gold and reaching T5 and hlbc faster? To save to buy a house, we know to invest our small amounts in investments that make money. Over time, our small investments add up. And our investments make more money We get the down payment we need on our dream house. I made hlbc before many peeps by trading allies. It's just like saving for a house. It slowed my build, but the day came when I cashed in my investments and went from needing ten more lands to hlbc. Pop. Done. The same applies to release of T5. We want to build, but most peeps keep putting small amounts into next upgrade of building. They forfeit any investment earnings and go for a smaller short term gain. Two incomes are always better than one. By hitting your favorite eb AND trading allies, we add investment income to our eb income. We get the gold we need FASTER to reach our goal of T5 or hlbc So what is it that KAW peeps continue to treat allies like an expense rather than an investment? Buy actives with good stats and they will sell. You make 1.5 percent each time Thats 45 percent a month when they sell daily Thats over 500 percent a year much better than real world Lol. You have to pick good ones, of course, lol. It's not hard. 1m cs is worth about 40-50b. Actives are obvious from posts and eb history. Serious folks. Learn this here in KAW and you will do better in real world as well. Don't be the guy who never owns a house. But you say you need strength that builds give? Allies also give strength But you say that you don't have time to find good allies? I do it in 5 min for a trillion in allies. You increase price of each ally as you have more to invest. I keep 20 allies at a time. That's all this change won't come overnight. Too many peeps in kaw have had lack of financial planning for way too long. But Let's start today. Every buy we make changes KAW. Every time we choose long term investment game, we choose a better, more powerful future. We can make MORE gold FASTER!! Please comment. Rebuff. Rebuke. Threaten. Agree. Affirm. Like. Add support. Thx.
For the record, I did read it... Time for an actual opinion- The thing is, ally trading is a long game. Nobody wants to do nothing and wait for the money to come to them, they want something to come from effort. Not to mention the fact you have to be trading in massive amounts of money to find a decent, active ally. Someone my size? It would take half a month to save up 40-50 bil.
Tex makes a very solid point. It would only take me a few days to come up with that much money, but that's doing constant ebs. How is a player that spends 95% of their time in osws supposed to save that kind of money, that quickly?
Ally trading works at any amount, whether you have millions or billions. In fact, smaller allies sell faster
I believe the resale is only at .2, but I digress. Ally market is overinflated, and it's rare to actually find an ally worth their price.
I spy a 1% Stock Market snob! Down with the 1%! Well if he has any mid conversion T3/T4 player's he might: Get rich Get stuck with loads of overpriced allies.
Lol funny I thought the same way you are now. I invested in a 100bill aly with just over 1mill CS, he now almost 2mill CS and hasnt been bought. Figured with new buildings commin out buying and selling would improve much more. But guessing now a 100bill ally sits at 2.5-3mill CS and a 500bill ally starts off at max stats then depending on how much much their friends want them will go higher....
Union. You are right. Allies aren't selling now though underpriced. Reason is peeps in mass don't understand that is advantageous for them to buy. Just like real market, low demand lowers value. Just like real market, perception rules the market. Just like real market, we can change the market by helping others figure out what would help them This bear ally market will turn to bull market and peeps who know how to buy and sell will do what my post says- make more gold faster There is a reason rich people get richer. They act like rich people and invest There is a reason poor people stay poor. They don't invest Everyone in KAW gets to choose
What I did when I was tiny was just buy a page or two of 12,000,000 allies. They sell in a matter of seconds and make good money for low levels.