Why Are People Rude? This is an age old question. No one seems to be able to fully understand what drives people to rudeness. I have a few ideas that might get people's brains going, so feel free to add to the discussion, but only after reading. There will be a tl;dr at the bottom, but please don't fully commit to the debate without reading the entire original post Human Nature Let's talk a bit about human nature. Human nature really doesn't mean anything other than what comes naturally to humans. Basically any and all emotions are human nature. No one really has control over their love and hate. So there's one reason why people are rude Gys I tryd veri hart on this, I hope yi enjoi it very much butt I got lazy so I dint Finnish it sahry.
Because people are stupid and annoying; and if I'm not rude to them they will continue to interact with me.
I have found one wordy I fit for most...ready? "Hurt" the person being rude has been or is hurting. Physically and or mentally and sometimes it's thru their own doing. I was in pain once so much so that I couldn't inhale without praying for "Death" to end it all. I was rude and that is not remotely in my nature. I lived one month solid in this agonizing pain and I learned a life long lesson. Don't take living healthy and pain free for granted. Live life as it was your last. Don't hurt others and if you know someone is hurting help them truly. Life is short and Death is inevitable. î„…Love Death.
Well I hate to be rude,but you people are really missing the points here. Points being: suptis is a Girl! Snoopy is Back!(or never left,) and can See Colors! Purp determined people are rude because they're a clear or translucent Fruit Spread! I mean c'mon,it's a clear as the driven snow. Just saying...;-)
^ People are nice till the person no longer benefits them. They are also nice as long as they get what the want. most People are two faced. They don't realize though that that blade they stab someone with is double-sided .